Cub Scout Religious Award Presentation at St. Nicholas Church - 02/02/25
On Sunday, February 2nd, following the Divine Liturgy, Fr. Nikolai Breckenridge presented the Chi Rho Scouting medal to Jacob Lezinsky. The Chi Rho is the second of four youth religious awards available in Scouting, and encompasses three aspects of a scout’s life: About Me, My Home and Community, and My Church. Jacob had previously earned the first of the religious awards, the St. George Award. Jacob worked closely with his parents: Matthew and Lori, to complete the requirements. Jacob is a member of Pack 368 in Bethlehem, PA and an active member and Altar Server of St. Nicholas Orthodox Church.
May God Grant Jacob Lezinsky Many Years!
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St. Nicholas Pierogi Workers Luncheon - 12/18/24
On Wednesday, December 18th, a luncheon was held after pierogi making to honor the dedicated pierogi workers. A delicious meal of Caesar salad, garlic rolls, baked cod, seafood scampi and baked ziti was served. Our Wonderful baker, Jean, provided an array of desserts.
After a blessing by Fr. Nikolai, all present enjoyed the lunch.
The pierogi project makes donations to: cleaning of vestments, maintenance repairs, purchase of new kitchen equipment, St. Tikhon’s Century Association, St. Herman’s Seminary, St. Vladimir’s Seminary and several local charities. Pierogi making continues to be a valuable church project and resource that aids the church and benefits others in our community.
May God grant many blessed, healthy years to all our workers and to all who support the pierogi project. We pray that St. Euphrosini, the patron saint of cooks, will continue to guide our hands as we peel, cut, roll, pinch, boil, pack and sell our pierogis.
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Christmas Choir Concert at St. Nicholas - 12/15/24
On Sunday, December 15th, the choir at St. Nicholas presented its Christmas Choir Concert, under the direction of our distinguished Choir Director/Reader Nick Lezinsky. The choir beautifully sang Orthodox Hymns of the Nativity and traditional Slavic Christmas Carols, while Fr. Nikolai narrated the origins of some of the carols. The choir concert showcases our talented choir and draws many visitors from the surrounding Orthodox churches and communities.
After the concert, everyone was invited to Chernay Hall for coffee, cake and Christian fellowship.
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Annual Yolka at St. Nicholas - 12/08/24
On Sunday, December 8th, an extended coffee hour was held in Chernay Fellowship Hall, where the Annual Yolka was held, presented by the Sunday school students. This year, the talents of the students were displayed for all to see. The program, with performances from lower grade students, middle grade students and senior students, included skits, recited Christmas verses, individual musical performances and group singing.
The school students’ talents were so good, that St. Nicholas appeared and gave all the students and staff Christmas gifts.
“Christ is Born! Glorify Him!”
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Annual Christmas Bazaar at St. Nicholas - 12/07/24
On Saturday, December 7th, St. Nicholas held its annual Christmas bazaar. Delicious ethnic foods and home-made baked goods were served. Local crafters, artists, and merchants provided gifts for sale. There was also a tricky-tray basket raffle, and our own Treasures of Russia offered a variety of icons, matryoshka dolls, angels, ornaments, and other Russian crafts.
Fr. Nikolai also gave tours of the church to visitors who requested it.
The event is always well attended, by both church members and the local community.
The Bazaar’s success would not have been possible without the volunteers’ time and efforts. Thank you to all who volunteered!
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St. Tikhon’s Mission Choir - 10/06/24
On Saturday, October 5 & Sunday, October 6, St. Nicholas hosted the Mission Choir from St. Tikhon’s Seminary. The Mission Choir is a select group of students who travel throughout the U.S, singing the services at various parishes. The choir raises funds for the work of the Seminary. Fr. Caleb Lewis directs the choir, and singers include: Seraphim Crossman (tenor), Christopher Mescher (tenor), Andrew Ritchey (tenor), Paul Batz (bass), Ignatius Leonardo (bass), and Cole Schlafer (bass).
Accompanying the choir was Fr. John Parker, the Seminary Dean. Fr. Parker assisted Fr. Nikolai Breckenridge (rector) and Fr. James Mason (attached) at the Sunday Divine Liturgy and gave the Homily.
During coffee hour, in Chernay Fellowship Hall, after Divine Liturgy, the students introduced themselves to the church members. A check was presented to Fr. Parker to support the continued work of the Seminary.
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Baptismal Liturgy at St. Nicholas - 09/15/24
Fr. Nikolai Breckenridge performed a Baptismal Liturgy for Nicholas Birosik, Sunday, September 15. John Heitzenrater was his sponsor (Godfather). Nicholas was baptized, and became a member of the Orthodox Christian faith.
We welcome him to our family at St. Nicholas.
May God Bless him and grant him “Many Blessed Years”.
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Halupki Dinner - 08/17/24
The Halupki Dinner includes: 2 halupkis, 2 pierogis, fresh green beans, roll and homemade dessert, either eat-in or take-out.
This dinner is widely enjoyed and attended by the surrounding community, as well as the faithful of St. Nicholas.
A BIG thank you goes to all of the church members and volunteers who make this dinner possible, popular and successful.
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St. Nicholas Celebrates the Dormition of the Holy Theotokos - 08/15/24
On Thursday August 15th, St. Nicholas celebrated the Dormition of the Holy Theotokos and the Blessing of the Flowers with a Divine Liturgy.
The fragrance of the flowers, with the Divine Liturgy of the Dormition of the Holy Theotokos, filled the hearts and souls of every member present.
Glory to God for all things!
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Elevation of Fr. Nikolai Breckenridge - 08/11/24
On Sunday, August 11, the Seventh Sunday after Pentecost, His Eminence, Archbishop Mark of Philadelphia and Eastern Pennsylvania, presided over the services at St. Nicholas Orthodox Church in Bethlehem, PA.
During the Little Entrance, His Eminence elevated Priest Nikolai Breckenridge, Rector of St. Nicholas Church, to the rank of Archpriest. Axios!
Serving the Divine Liturgy with His Eminence were the newly-elevated Archpriest Nikolai and the Mitered Archpriest James Mason, attached to St. Nicholas Church. Also serving was Deacon Geoffrey LoBalbo and the servers of the parish.
Following the announcements, His Eminence offered words of encouragement to the newly-elevated Archpriest Nikolai. A meal was held in the church hall following the service.
May God grant His Eminence, Archbishop Mark, the newly-elevated Archpriest Nikolai, Matushka Mila and their family, and the faithful of St. Nicholas Church many years!
Glory to God for all things!
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Transfiguration of Our Lord - 08/06/24
Every year, on August 6, we celebrate the Transfiguration of our Lord Jesus Christ. It is our tradition to bless fruit on this day. The transfiguration is an event described in the New Testament. Jesus is transfigured and becomes radiant in glory upon Mount Tabor.
After blessing the fruit with holy water, Fr. Nikolai then blessed the congregation.
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St. Nicholas “Heavenly Host” Awards - 06/02/24
On Sunday, June 2, Fr. Nikolai Breckenridge presented achievement awards to several Heavenly Hosts participants.
Heavenly Host is a structured program based on the Angelic Ranks, providing age-appropriate activities for 8- to 18- year olds. It is intended to provide Orthodox Youth a foundation of Orthodox Christian Knowledge and experience so that they can passionately and intelligently “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations” for our Lord God, and Savior Jesus Christ! (Matthew 28:19).
Achievement Awards were presented to the following:
Lydia Bzik – Archangel Rank, Paschal Season Elective
Nicholas Bzik – Archangel Rank, Paschal Season Elective
Charles Heitzenrater – Angel Rank, Angels Elective
Charlotte Heitzenrater – Angel Rank, Angels Elective
Thomas Heitzenrater – Angel Rank, Angels Elective
Alexander Hodson – Archangel Rank, Ten Commandments Elective, Winter Retreat Elective
Christopher Hodson – Archangel Rank, Ten Commandments Elective
Aurora Mascari – Archangel Rank, Psalms 1 Elective
Joseph Mascari IV – Archangel Rank, Psalms 1 Elective
Also Mitered Archpriest James Mason intoned “Many Years” to our priest Fr. Nikolai Breckenridge, who was celebrating his birthday.
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St. Nicholas Pierogi Workers Luncheon - 05/08/24
On Wednesday, May 8, a luncheon was held at the Paradise Restaurant to honor the dedicated pierogi workers. A planned menu of Veal, Pork Chops, Chicken Parmesan or Roast Beef, with soup, salad and cake for dessert were served.
Special thanks to our waitress Crystal.
After a blessing by Fr. Nikolai, all present enjoyed the lunch. The pierogi project makes donations to: cleaning of vestments, maintenance repairs, purchase of new kitchen equipment, St. Tikhon’s Century Association, and several local charities. Pierogi making continues to be a valuable church project and resource that aids the church and benefits others in our community.
May God grant many blessed, healthy years to all our workers, and to all who support the pierogi project. We pray that St. Euphrosini, the patron saint of cooks, will continue to guide our hands as we peel, cut, roll, pinch, boil, pack and sell our pierogis.
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Bright Monday Liturgy and Blessing of St. Nicholas - 05/06/24
Bright Monday Liturgy was celebrated by Fr. Nickolai Breckenridge, assisted by Mitered Archpriest Fr. James Mason, and Fr. Michael Kon. After Divine Liturgy, the church was blessed, inside and outside, and included the reading of 4 Gospels.
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Good Friday Burial Vespers at St. Nicholas - 05/01/24
Fr. Nikolai, assisted by Mitered Archpriest James Mason, led the parishioners in Good Friday’s, Burial Vespers. For Burial Vespers Christ was taken down from the Cross.
We wait with anticipation our Lord and Savior’s Resurrection.
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Holy Unction Service 2024 - 05/01/24
On Wednesday, May 1st, Fr. Nikolai Breckenridge, rector, assisted by Mitered Archpriest Fr. James Mason, administered Holy Unction to the parishioners of St. Nicholas. This healing service is one of the Sacraments (Holy Mysteries) of the church in which Orthodox Christians are anointed for the healing of soul and body.
This service is always well attended by the members of St. Nicholas during Holy Week.
Glory Be To God!
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Palm Sunday Celebration at St. Nicholas - 04/28/24
On Lazarus Saturday, April 27, after Divine Liturgy, the Sunday school students and teachers prepared pussy willows and palm leafs for distribution to the parish. The willows and palms were blessed by Fr. Nikolai at Evening Vespers.
On Palm Sunday, April 28, before Divine Liturgy, the willows and palms were handed out to the faithful of the parish. Many parishioners’ chose to hold the willows and palms throughout the service.
For refreshments, after Palm Sunday Divine Liturgy, we had a Lenten Covered Dish Coffee Hour. It was very successful, and everyone got to taste other parishioners’ favorite dishes.
As we start Holy Week, we wait, with great anticipation, the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, Our Lord and Savior.
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Welcome New Catechumens to St. Nicholas - 04/28/24
On Palm Sunday, the faithful of St. Nicholas welcomed 2 catechumens to their parish family. Please keep John and Nicholas in your prayers as they prepare for Holy Illumination!
Glory Be To God!
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The Oath of Office Administered at St. Nicholas - 03/31/24
On Sunday, March 31, Fr. Nikolai Breckenridge administered the oath of office to members of St. Nicholas church council and to the church auditors. The church members were elected to their positions at our annual parish meeting. After the oath was administered, Fr. Nikolai blessed each elected member with holy water.
May God grant the newly elected members spiritual guidance, as they fulfill their commitment and dedication to St. Nicholas Orthodox Church.
May God grant council members, “Many Blessed Years”.
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Lenten Fish Dinners 2024 - 03/29/24
There were two fish dinners this year: Friday, March 15, and the second on Friday, March 29. These dinners are widely enjoyed and attended by the surrounding community, as well as the faithful of St. Nicholas. The fish dinners also included: Treasures of Russia, crafts and candy sales.
A BIG thank you goes to all of the church members and volunteers who make these dinners possible, popular and successful.
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Sunday of Orthodoxy 2024 - 03/24/24
St. Nicholas celebrated the Sunday of Orthodoxy. The Sunday school children, led by the Sunday School Coordinator, Karen Gowarty, and joined by their parents and teachers, made a procession to the front of the church with their favorite icons, which they brought from home. There, they were greeted by Fr. Nikolai Breckenridge. As the children displayed their personal and favorite icons, Father Nikolai reviewed the importance of icons in our church life.
May children everywhere keep their favorite saints close to their hearts, and always be faithful to their Christian Orthodox beginnings.
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His Eminence Archbishop Mark Visits St. Nicholas - 03/17/24
On Sunday, March 17, we were blessed to have His Eminence, Archbishop Mark, visit our parish. During this pastoral visit, the Archbishop celebrated the Divine Liturgy, assisted by Fr. Nikolai Breckenridge, rector, and Mitered Archpriest James Mason. Vladika delivered the Homily, on this Sunday of Cheesefare and Forgiveness, the last Sunday before Lent begins.
May God grant his Eminence “Many Years”.
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Eve of Theophany, Celebrated at St. Nicholas - 01/05/24
Friday, January 5, St. Nicholas celebrated the Eve of Theophany with a Holy Lenten Supper. The Supper was served in Chernay Fellowship Hall, preceded by a prayer by Fr. Nikolai Breckenridge.
Lori Lezinsky was the hostess of this Holy Lenten dinner. Everyone in attendance enjoyed the delicious meal, prepared by ladies of the parish.
Fr. Nikolai then celebrated a Great Compline and Litya with the Great Blessing of the Water.
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Annual Sunday School Yolka at St. Nicholas - 12/17/23
On Sunday, December 17, an extended coffee hour was held in Chernay Fellowship Hall, where the Annual Yolka was held, presented by the Sunday school students. This year, the talents of the students were displayed for all to see. The program, with performances from lower grade students, middle grade students and senior students, included skits, recited Christmas verses, individual musical performances and group singing.
The school students’ talents were so good, that St. Nicholas appeared and gave all the students and staff Christmas gifts.
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Christmas Choir Concert at St. Nicholas - 12/10/23
On Sunday, December 10, the choir at St. Nicholas presented its Annual Christmas Choir Concert. Fr. Nikolai Breckenridge introduced the songs with a brief history, and sang along with the choir. Under the direction of our distinguished Choir Director/Reader Nick Lezinsky, the choir beautifully sang songs of the Nativity and other seasonal ethnic Christmas carols. The choir concert showcases our talented choir and draws many visitors from the surrounding Orthodox churches and communities.
After the concert, everyone was invited to Chernay Hall for coffee, cake and Christian fellowship.
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Annual Christmas Bazaar at St. Nicholas - 12/09/23
On Saturday, December 09, St. Nicholas held its annual Christmas bazaar. Delicious ethnic foods and home-made baked goods were served. Local crafters, artists, and merchants provided gifts for sale. There was also a tricky-tray basket raffle, and our own Treasures of Russia offered a variety of icons, matryoshka dolls, angels, ornaments, and other Russian crafts.
The event is always well attended, by both church members and the local community.
The Bazaar’s success would not have been possible without the volunteers’ time and efforts. Thank you to all who volunteered!
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Mitered Archpriest Fr. James Mason’s 90th Birthday Celebration - 11/12/23
On Sunday, November 12, the community of St. Nicholas Orthodox Church, gathered to celebrate Mitered Archpriest Fr. James Mason’s very notable 90th birthday. Accompanied by family, friends and parishioners, Father Jim was honored with a covered dish luncheon. A valuable and wonderful priest, he has served more recently as an attached priest to our parish.
The congregation thanks him for his many years of devotion to the Lord’s work.
May God Grant Father Jim “Many Blessed Years”.
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St. Nicholas “Heavenly Host” Awards - 11/12/23
On Sunday, November 12, Fr. Nikolai Breckenridge presented blue sashes and elective pins to 8 parish youths: the sashes, for having successfully completed the Angelic Rank of the “Heavenly Host”, and the pins, for having completed elective requirements within their Angelic Rank.
“Heavenly Host” provides a foundation of Orthodox Christian Knowledge and experiences for 8-18 year olds. Working through elective requirements, they earn pins for their accomplishments in fulfilling the individual pin tasks.
The program’s Motto is: “Be Holy, for God is Holy”, and their Slogan is: “Do Good to All”, and their Oath is the Nicene Creed.
Awards were presented to the following:
Everett Brown – Angel Rank, Camp Elective
Lydia Brown – Angel Rank, Camp Elective
Lydia Bzik – Angel Rank, Patron Saint Elective
Nicholas Bzik – Angel Rank, Bible Verses I Elective
Alexander Hodson – Angel Rank, Altar Server Elective
Christopher Hodson – Angel Rank, Altar Server Elective
Aurora Mascari – Angel Rank, Angels Elective
Joseph Mascari IV – Angel Rank, Altar Server Elective
May the Orthodox Church’s Youth have God’s Blessing as they continue to advance in Angelic Ranks as “Heavenly Hosts”.
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Sarah and Peter Jubinski’s 60th Anniversary Moleben - 11/11/23
On Saturday, November 11th, Fr. Nikolai Breckenridge performed a Moleben service to honor the 60th wedding anniversary of Sarah and Peter Jubinski.
The Moleben service, complete with wedding crowns, was performed and followed by a blessing from Fr. Nikolai with two letters of appreciation from St Vladimir's Orthodox Theological Seminary in New York, and St. Tikhon's Orthodox Theological Seminary in Pennsylvania, both thanking Sarah and Peter for their help and support over the years.
May God Grant Sarah and Peter “Many Blessed Years”.
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Sarah and Peter Jubinski’s 60th Wedding Anniversary! - 11/05/23
On Sunday, November 5th, the faithful of St. Nicholas Orthodox Church were treated to a catered coffee hour, hosted by Sarah and Peter Jubinski, who were celebrating their 60th Wedding Anniversary. After an opening prayer, Dan Jubinski, son of the honorees, said a few words about his dear Mom and Dad.
Donations collected at the coffee hour were donated to St. Tikhon’s Seminary, with matching funds, up to $500, by the Russian Orthodox Catholic Mutual Aid Society (ROCMAS).
May God Grant Sarah and Peter “Many Blessed Years”.
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St. Nicholas Orthodox Church Texas Barbeque - 09/16/23
On Saturday, September 16, St. Nicholas Church held its first “Texas BBQ with a Slovak twist”. The patrons had the choice of smoked beef brisket or pulled pork. Included in the meal were Texas beans, halushki, coffee or tea, and a choice of homemade desserts. Macaroni & Cheese was also available at an additional price.
As always, these events would not be possible without the help of the many dedicated parishioner volunteers.
May God grant them all, “Many Blessed and Healthy Years!”
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St. Nicholas Orthodox Church Sunday School Blessing - 09/10/23
On Sunday, September 10, Fr. Nikolai Breckenridge gave a Moleben prayer and blessing to the teachers, students and parents who were celebrating the beginning of the Sunday School Church Year. After the Church School Blessing, Fr. Nickolai blessed all those who were present in church.
May God grant us all, “Many Blessed Years!”
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Bright Monday Liturgy and Blessing of St. Nicholas - 04/17/23
Bright Monday Liturgy was celebrated by Fr. Nickolai Breckenridge, rector, assisted by Mitered Archpriest Fr. James Mason, and guest priest, Fr. Michael Kon. Archbishop Mark honored St. Nicholas with a visit. After Divine Liturgy, the church was blessed inside and outside, and included the reading of 4 Gospels.
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St. Nicholas Celebrates Holy Pascha Agape Vespers - 04/16/23
Sunday morning April 16, Fr Nikolai Breckenridge, led the parishioners in an Agape Vespers Service. This service followed the long Saturday Night: Paschal Vigil, Divine Liturgy, Blessing of the baskets and the Agape Meal. During Vespers Fr. Nikolai, blessed the baskets of the parishioners that were not able to attend the Saturday night Service.
Now, when we greet each other, we say:
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Holy Unction Service 2023 - 04/12/23
On Wednesday, April 12, Fr. Nikolai Breckenridge, rector, assisted by Mitered Archpriest Fr. James Mason, administered Holy Unction to the parishioners of St. Nicholas. This healing service is one of the Sacraments (Holy Mysteries) of the church in which Orthodox Christians are anointed for the healing of soul and body.
This service is always well attended by the members of St. Nicholas during Holy Week.
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Palm Sunday Service at St. Nicholas - 04/09/23
On Lazarus Saturday, April 08, the pussy willows and palms were blessed by Fr. Nikolai at Evening Vespers.
Then, on Palm Sunday, April 09, before Divine Liturgy, the willows and palms were distributed to the faithful of the parish. Many parishioners chose to hold the willows and palms throughout the service.
As we start Holy Week, we wait with great anticipation, the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, Our Lord and Savior.
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Lenten Fish Dinners 2023 - 03/24/23
The first dinner on Friday, March 24, was well attended, very successful, and widely enjoyed by the surrounding community. The fish dinners also included: basket raffles, Treasures of Russia, crafts and candy sales. There are 2 fish dinners, planned for this year. One was Friday March 24 and the other one was Friday April 7.
A BIG thanks goes to all of the volunteers who makes these dinners possible, and successful.
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The Oath of Office Administered at St. Nicholas - 03/26/23
On Sunday, March 26, Fr. Nikolai Breckenridge administered the oath of office to members of St. Nicholas church council and to the church auditors. The church members were elected to their positions at our annual parish meeting, held on February 19.
After the oath was administered, Fr. Nikolai blessed each elected member with holy water.
May God grant the newly-elected members spiritual guidance, as they fulfill their commitment and dedication to St. Nicholas Orthodox Church.
May God grant them all “Many Blessed Years”.
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Chrismation of Elsie Ann Livesey at St. Nicholas - 03/12/23
On Sunday, March 12, before the Divine Liturgy Service, Elsie Ann Livesey, Age 5, received the Sacrament of Chrismation, performed by Fr. Nikolai. The sponsor of the newly christmated Ekaterina was Carmen Hodson. Elsie’s parents, Stefanie and Andrew Livesey and Grandfather Daniel Sirb, presently a member at St. Nicholas, were all proud to witness this event.
St. Nicholas warmly welcomes our newest member and wishes her many years as an Orthodox Christian.
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Pan-Orthodox Lenten Mission Vespers at St. Nicholas - 03/05/23
Pan-Orthodox Lenten Mission Vespers Hosted by St. Nicholas Orthodox Church, Bethlehem, PA - 03/05/2023
On Sunday, March 5, Pan-Orthodox Mission Vespers were celebrated on the 1st Sunday of Great Lent, by Fr. Nikolai Breckenridge, rector and president of the Lehigh Valley Orthodox Brotherhood, assisted by several Orthodox priests and deacons of the Lehigh Valley. Fr. Noah Bushelli of St. Philip Orthodox Church, Souderton, PA, delivered the Homily.
The choir, led by Choir Director/Reader Nick Lezinsky, sang beautifully. Orthodox Christians from around the Lehigh Valley attended this Vespers Service. Priests and parishioners, from Antiochian, Greek, Ukrainian, and our own Russian Orthodox Church, united to celebrate this Sunday’s Lenten Mission Vespers.
After the service, refreshments were served at the nearby Chrysostom Academy Conservatory. 170 members of the area Orthodox churches enjoyed the strict Lenten meal.
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Sunday of Orthodoxy 2023 - 03/05/23
St. Nicholas celebrated the Sunday of Orthodoxy. The Sunday school children, led by the Sunday School Coordinator, Karen Gowarty, and joined by their parents and teachers, made a procession to the front of the church with their favorite icons, which they brought from home. There, they were greeted by Fr. Nikolai Breckenridge. As the children displayed their personal and favorite icons, Father Nikolai reviewed the importance of icons in our church life.
May children everywhere keep their favorite saints close to their hearts, and always be faithful to their Christian Orthodox beginnings.
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St. George's Awarded at St. Nicholas - 02/05/23
On Sunday, February 5, 2023, Scouting Sunday, Jacob Lezinsky received the St. George's Award from Cub Scouts. The Baden-Powell Scouts' Association holds St. George's Scout as their highest youth award; Orthodox Churches offer a Saint George's Award to both Cub Scouts and Brownie Girl Scouts for their devotion to church and family.
St. George is the patron saint of the Boy Scouts of America.
Many church members wore uniforms and insignias that they earned when they were in Scouting. Wearing a part of their uniform during the service showed the impact scouting has on our very own church, and the positions of service they hold during our Divine Liturgy.
“May God Grant Them Many Years!”
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59th Annual Diocesan Assembly (Day 2 of 2) at St. Nicholas Church - 01/27/23
Day 2 of the 59th Annual Diocesan Assembly began with a Hierarchal Divine Liturgy celebrated by Archbishop Mark, assisted by the Chancellor and Deans of the Diocese. The homily was presented by Fr. Victor Gorodenchuk. During the Liturgy, 2 ordinations took place: Nathan Clausson to the Holy Priesthood and Kirill Zawatski to the Holy Diaconate.
May God Grant Deacon Kirill and Priest Nathan Many Blessed Years!
Everyone then returned to Chernay Fellowship Hall for a delicious brunch that was prepared by St. Nicholas’s faithful.
The Assembly meeting of the second day went quickly, with the Treasurer’s Report and the presentation of the 2023 budget. A gift was presented to Mother Christophora of Holy Transfiguration Monastery by Archbishop Mark. He then thanked Fr. Nikolai, Rector of St. Nicholas Church for being host to this year’s Delegate Assembly meeting, and all the hard work of his parishioners.
The host for next year’s 60th Annual Diocesan Assembly will be at Christ the Savior Church in Harrisburg, PA, on Thursday, January 25th, and Friday, January 26th, 2024.
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59th Annual Diocesan Assembly (Day 1 of 2) at St. Nicholas Church - 01/26/23
Day 1 started with the registration of the parish priests, delegates, and invited guests. The start of this two day event always begins with the renewing of old friendships. The meeting began with “O Heavenly King…” , the presentation of the agenda, and the message of Archbishop Mark.
A wonderful dinner was served by the parishioners of St. Nicholas, followed by Great Vespers.
After Vespers, in the church, Mother Christophora of Holy Transfiguration Monastery gave a wonderful homily. Her message included, “Life, Love and Longevity”.
The evening concluded in Chernay Fellowship Hall, with a wine and cheese reception provided by the hosts of St. Nicholas Church.
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Eve of Theophany, with a Holy Lenten Supper, a Great Compline and Litya with the Great Blessing of the Water - 01/05/23
Thursday, January 5, St. Nicholas celebrated the Eve of Theophany with a Holy Lenten Supper. The Supper was served in Chernay Fellowship Hall, preceded by a prayer by Fr. Nikolai. Kyra Monarek was the hostess of this Holy Lenten dinner. Everyone in attendance enjoyed the delicious meal, prepared by Kyra and the ladies of the parish. Fr. Nikolai Breckenridge then celebrated, a Great Compline and Litya with the Great Blessing of the Water.
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St. Nicholas Pierogi Workers Luncheon - 12/14/22
On Wednesday, December14, a luncheon was held in Chernay Fellowship Hall to honor the dedicated pierogi workers. Pizza, salad, mushroom soup, appetizers, and cake were served.
After a blessing by Fr. Nikolai, all present enjoyed the lunch. The pierogi project makes donations to: cleaning of vestments, maintenance repairs, purchase of new kitchen equipment, St. Tikhon’s Century Association, March of Dimes, and Northampton Children’s Bureau, to mention a few. Pierogi making continues to be a valuable church project and resource that aids the church and benefits others in our community.
May God grant many blessed, healthy years to all our workers, and to all who support the pierogi project. We pray that St. Euphrosynos, the patron saint of cooks, will continue to guide our hands as we peel, cut, roll, pinch, boil, pack and sell our pierogis.
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Christmas Choir Concert at St. Nicholas - 12/11/22
On Sunday, December 11, the choir at St. Nicholas presented its Christmas Choir Concert. Under the direction of our distinguished Choir Director/Reader Nick Lezinsky, the choir beautifully sang songs of the Nativity and other seasonal ethnic Christmas carols. The choir concert showcases our talented choir and draws many visitors from the surrounding Orthodox churches and communities.
After the concert, everyone was invited to Chernay Hall for coffee, cake and Christian fellowship.
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Annual Christmas Bazaar at St. Nicholas - 12/10/22
On Saturday, December 10, St. Nicholas held its annual Christmas bazaar. Delicious ethnic foods and home-made baked goods were served. Local crafters, artists, and merchants provided gifts for sale. There was also a tricky-tray basket raffle, and our own Treasures of Russia offered a variety of icons, matryoshka dolls, angels, ornaments, and other Russian crafts.
The event is always well attended, by both church members and the local community.
The Bazaar's success would not have been possible without the volunteers’ time and efforts. Thank you to all who volunteered!
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Annual Yolka 2022 at St. Nicholas - 12/04/22
On Sunday, December 4, an extended coffee hour was held in Chernay Fellowship Hall, where the Annual Yolka was presented by the Sunday school students. This year, the talents of the students were displayed for all to see. The program began with the National Anthem, played on the piano by one of our students. Everyone sung along. Some of the younger students sung Christmas carols together; other students played Christmas carols on the piano. A group of students recited Christmas verses.
The school students’ talents were so good, that St. Nicholas appeared and gave all the students and staff gifts.
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St. Nicholas Clergy Appreciation Sunday 2022 - 10/09/22
On Sunday, October 9th, St. Nicholas had a potluck coffee hour to honor the dedicated clergy of our church. After the Liturgy, Fr. Nikolai, rector for St. Nicholas, gave appreciation for Mitered Archpriest James Mason, attached, and for Deacon Geoffrey LoBalbo. He also expressed deep appreciation for all matushkas, especially Matushka Mila, who has always been by his side supporting his pastoral endeavors.
After Veneration of the Cross, the clergy and parishioners went to Chernay Fellowship Hall for a beautiful coffee hour complete with salad, delicious dishes and desserts. Our guests of honor were the first to enjoy the potluck luncheon.
May God grant all clergy, “Many Blessed Years!”
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St. Nicholas Orthodox Church Sunday School Blessing - 09/11/22
On Sunday, September 11, Fr. Nikolai Breckenridge gave a Moleben prayer and blessing to the teachers, students and parents who were celebrating the beginning of the Sunday School Church Year. After the Church School Blessing, Fr. Nickolai blessed all those who were present in church.
May God grant us all, “Many Blessed Years!”
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Slavic Days Festival at St. Nicholas - 09/10/22
Thank you to all for a successful Slavic Days Festival. The festival had: delicious ethnic foods, a variety of homemake baked goods, and Treasures of Russia.
Information was also available to those people interested in the new Chrysostom Academy.
Besides being supported by the parishioners, this event is widely anticipated and well attended by the community.
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Annual Blessing of the Vehicles - 07/31/22
Fr. Nikolai Breckenridge, rector, administered a ‘Blessing of the Vehicles’ after the Divine Liturgy Sunday, July 31. Reader/Choir Director Nick Lezinsky, followed and sang as Fr. Nikolai Blessed the vehicles. It was a beautiful, hot, sunny Sunday, and the faithful of St. Nicholas stood by their vehicles as they waited for this Annual Blessing.
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4th Sunday After Pentecost Celebration with Archbishop Mark - 07/10/22
4th Sunday After Pentecost Celebration with Archbishop Mark at St. Nicholas Orthodox Church, Bethlehem, PA - 07/10/22
On Sunday, July 10, the Divine Liturgy was served by Archbishop Mark and Fr. Nikolai Breckenridge, rector, assisted by Mitered Archpriest James Mason and Deacon Geoffrey LoBalbo, Altar Servers, and the St. Nicholas Choir, directed by Reader Nicholas Lezinsky.
During the service, Fr. Nikolai was awarded the ‘Kamilavka’ and the ‘Right to Wear the Gold Cross’ by Archbishop Mark.
After the Divine Liturgy, a pizza luncheon was served in Chernay Fellowship Hall. Delicious pizza, salad and Christian fellowship were enjoyed by all who attended. We were all blessed to have Fr. Nikolai’s parents present to enjoy the celebration.
We wish Fr. Nikolai “Many Blessed Years” at St. Nicholas.
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St. Nicholas Orthodox Church honors its 2022 Graduates! - 07/03/22
On Sunday, July 3, after the Divine Liturgy, a prayer was said and “Many Years” was sung for our 2022 graduates.
Gabriel Gowarty, Margaret Heitzenrater and Ethan Radio were honored Sunday for their academic achievements.
Gabriel Gowarty graduated from Freedom High School and Bethlehem Vocational School. He placed in the top third of his class, and was immersed in team sports: soccer, baseball and football. Gabriel studied Okinowa Karate and became a black belt, participated in Cub Scouts and later Boy Scouts.
He is the son of Karen, Church School Administrator, and David Gowarty. He served as an altar server from 2010 to 2014.Gabriel works for Tyber Medical, as a co-op student, CNC Machinist.
Margaret “Ani” Heitzenrater graduated from Freedom High School. Her parents John and Christina are very proud of their daughter and wish her “Many Blessed Years”.
Ethan Radio graduated from Parkland High School, with Academic Honors, 4.0+GpA for at least 7 consecutive semesters. He was very active in clubs, tutoring and diving.
He is a former St. Nicholas Sunday school student and altar server from ages 7-13. He is the son of Scott Radio and grandson of Dr. Gregory and Rosalie Radio.
Ethan will attend the University of Pittsburgh to study biology and roster on their diving team.
At the coffee hour in Chernay Fellowship Hall, Fr. Nikolai blessed each graduate, and presented them with a book of Orthodox Christian Prayers.
Congratulations to all of our graduates and their families.
“May God Grant them Many Blessed Years”.
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St. Nicholas Celebrates Mitered Archpriest Fr. James Mason’s 60th Ordination Anniversary! - 06/13/22
Father Jim was honored with a coffee hour celebrating his anniversary of 60 years as a priest. A valuable and wonderful priest, he has served more recently as an attached priest to our parish.
The congregation thanks him for his many years of devotion to the Lord’s work.
May God Grant You “Many Blessed Years”.
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Bright Monday Liturgy and Blessing of St. Nicholas - 04/25/22
Bright Monday Liturgy was celebrated by Fr. Nickolai Breckenridge, rector, assisted by Mitered Archpriest Fr. James Mason, and guest priest, Fr. Michael Kon. After Divine Liturgy, the parishioners followed the priests around St. Nicholas, as our church was blessed on each side.
The liturgy and blessing was followed by the annual hot dog luncheon in Chernay Fellowship Hall, in celebration of the end of Lent.
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St. Nicholas Celebrates Holy Pascha Agape Vespers - 04/24/22
Sunday morning, April 24, Fr Nikolai Breckenridge, with the help of guest priest, Fr. Michael Kon, led the parishioners in an Agape Vespers Service. This service followed the long Saturday Night: Paschal Vigil, Divine Liturgy, Blessing of the baskets and the Agape Meal. During Vespers, Fr. Nikolai, blessed the baskets of the parishioners that were not able to attend the Saturday night service.
Now, when we greet each other, we say:
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Holy Unction Service 2022 - 04/20/22
On Wednesday, April 20, Fr. Nikolai Breckenridge, rector, assisted by Fr. James Mason, administered Holy Unction to the parishioners of St. Nicholas. This healing service is one of the Sacraments (Holy Mysteries) of the church in which Orthodox Christians are anointed for the healing of soul and body.
This service is always well attended by the members of St. Nicholas during Holy Week.
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Lenten Fish Dinners 2022 - 04/01/22
The first dinner on Friday, April 1st, was well attended, very successful, and widely enjoyed by the surrounding community. The fish dinners also included: themed raffle baskets, Treasures of Russia, crafts and candy sales. This was the first of 2 fish dinners, planned for this year. For those of you who missed this dinner, a second one is planned for Friday April 15th, please plan to attend.
A BIG thanks goes to everyone who makes these dinners possible, and we hope to see you for the second fish dinner.
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Pan-Orthodox Lenten Mission Vespers at St. Nicholas - 03/27/22
On Sunday, March 27, Pan-Orthodox Mission Vespers were celebrated on the 3rd Sunday of Great Lent, by Fr. Nikolai Breckenridge, assisted by several Orthodox priests and deacons of the Lehigh Valley. Fr. Michael Kon delivered the Homily.
The choir, led by Choir Director/Reader Nick Lezinsky, sang beautifully. Orthodox Christians from around the Lehigh Valley attended this Vespers Service. Priests and parishioners, from Antiochian, Greek, Ukrainian, and our own Russian Orthodox Church, united to celebrate this Sunday’s Lenten Mission Vespers.
After the service, Lenten refreshments were served in Chernay Fellowship Hall.
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The Oath of Office Administered at St. Nicholas - 03/20/22
On Sunday, March 20, Fr. Nikolai Breckenridge administered the oath of office to members of St. Nicholas church council and to the church auditors. The church members were elected to their positions at our annual church meeting, held on February 20.
After the oath was administered, Fr. Nikolai blessed each elected member with holy water. Our spiritual leader then asked the congregation for their commitment and support of the church. He then proceeded to bless all of the parishioners with holy water.
May God grant the newly-elected members spiritual guidance, as they fulfill their commitment and dedication to St. Nicholas Orthodox Church.
May God grant them all “Many Years”.
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Bishop Mark Visits St. Nicholas - 03/06/22
On Sunday, March 6, 2022, we were blessed to have His Eminence, Archbishop Mark, visit our parish. During this pastoral visit, the Archbishop celebrated the Divine Liturgy, assisted by Fr. Nikolai Breckenridge, rector, Mitered Archpriest James Mason and Deacon Geoffrey LoBalbo. His Eminence delivered the Homily, on this Sunday of Cheesefare and Forgiveness, the last Sunday before Lent begins.
May God grant his Eminence “Many Years”.
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58th Annual Diocesan Assembly, Hosted by Holy Trinity Church, Wilkes-Barre, PA - 01/27/22
St. Nicholas ROC, Bethlehem was well represented at this two day event with the Fr. Nikolai Breckenridge, Parish Priest, Ann Marie Bretz, Lay Delegate Representative, Barry Bretz, Alternate / Diocesan Assembly Photographer, and Jenifer Bzik, Observer.
Day 1 started with the registration of the parish priests, delegates, and invited guests. The start of this two day event always begins with the renewing of old friendships. The meeting started with “O Heavenly King…” and the committee meetings/reports began for this two day Diocesan Assembly. A wonderful dinner was hosted by the parishioners of Holy Trinity, followed by Great Vespers with Memorial Litya. Due to the threat of forecasted inclement weather, Session 3, originally scheduled for Friday, January 28th, was completed on Thursday, January 27th, after Vespers. The evening concluded with a wine and cheese reception provided by our hosts, Holy Trinity, where new friendships were started.
Day 2 of the 58th Annual Diocesan Assembly began with a Divine Liturgy concelebrated by the Chancellor, Fr. Martin Browne, with other priests of the diocese. After the Liturgy, Archbishop Mark, thanked Fr. Innocent Neal and Holy Trinity faithful for hosting the Assembly. Since the Official Assembly Business had ended on Thursday, January 27th, a brunch was served and everyone said their “Good Byes”, and headed for home.
The host for next year’s 59th Annual Diocesan Assembly will be St. Nicholas ROC, Bethlehem, January 26 & 27, 2023.
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Pan-Orthodox Blessing of the Waters at Jordon Creek - 01/23/22
On January 23, 2022, the Lehigh Valley Orthodox Clergy Brotherhood held its annual Outdoor Blessing of the Water Service at Jordan Creek Park in Whitehall. The Brotherhood welcomed its newest member, our own Fr. Nikolai, who offered a short sermon. Though the day was quite cold and the wind brisk, the many faithful who gathered were inspired by the beautiful service which included the singing of the Theophany Troparion in the several languages representing the participating churches.
Article and Photos courtesy of Nancy Kohudic
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Fund Raiser Held at St. Nicholas ROC, Bethlehem, PA - 01/23/22
On Sunday, January 23rd, Lara Bessman and Corinne Stuckey hosted a Coffee Hour to raise funds for their friend’s son, Atticus, who is four years old. He was diagnosed with Eosinophilic Esophagitis, Systemic Mastocytosis, and a Mitochondrial Disease which will be confirmed in the spring. Atticus is in desperate need of a wheelchair and even if insurance approves, it will still be quite costly. The wheelchair will help Atticus gain independence and mobility. We were happy to help out this wonderful Orthodox family. All funds collected went directly toward the cost of the wheelchair for Atticus.
We want to thank you all so much for every donation and prayer.
Lara and Corinne
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St. Nicholas Coffee Hour To Fund Tornado Relief sponsored by the Pierogi Volunteers - 01/16/22
The devastation from the tornados that recently occurred throughout Kentucky and other states is beyond belief! The pierogi volunteers hosted a light luncheon on Sunday, January 16, to help this relief effort. The monies collected will be split between 2 Orthodox charities (IOCC and FOCUS), who offer assistance to those in need.
Thank you for your generous donations!
Also at this coffee hour, the parishioners of St. Nicholas were happy to welcome our new rector, Fr. Nikolai Breckenridge, and Matushka Mila.
May God grant them “Many Years!”
With love in Christ, St. Nicholas pierogi volunteers.
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Annual Yolka by the Sunday School Students at St. Nicholas ROC, Bethlehem, PA. - 12/05/21
On Sunday, December 5th, an extended coffee hour was held in Chernay Fellowship Hall, where the Annual Yolka was held by the Sunday School. This year, the talents of the students were displayed for the whole congregation. The program began with the National Anthem, played on the piano by one of our student’s. Everyone sung along. Some of the younger students sung Christmas carols together, other students played Christmas carols on the piano. One student played the flute, another recited a Christmas verse from memory, and finally there was a piano/flute duet.
The Sunday School talents were so good, that St. Nicholas appeared and gave all the children gifts. Everyone in attendance received apples.
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Annual Christmas Bazaar at St. Nicholas ROC, Bethlehem, PA. - 12/04/21
On Saturday, December 4th, St. Nicholas held its annual Christmas bazaar. Delicious ethnic foods and home-made baked goods were served. Local crafters, artists, and merchants provided gifts for sale. There was also a tricky-tray basket raffle, and our own Treasures of Russia offered a variety of icons, matryoshka dolls, angels, ornaments, and other Russian crafts.
The event is always well attended, by both church members and the local community. The event’s success would not have been possible without the volunteers time and efforts. Thank you to all who volunteered!
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Fall Festival at St. Nicholas - 10/23/21
On Saturday, October 23rd, Sunday School students enjoyed a Fall Festival. There were games, crafts, and fun for the family. With materials provided for them, the children were able to create their own pumpkin faces.
Afterwards, students enjoyed games and a lunch, provided by parents and teachers.
Hopefully, this fun activity will add to their memories of Sunday School, and remain with them for the rest of their lives.
God Bless our Sunday School students.
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St. Nicholas Celebrates the Dormition of the Holy Theotokos - 08/15/21
On Sunday, August 15th, St. Nicholas celebrated the Dormition of the Holy Theotokos with a Divine Liturgy and the blessing of flowers.
Upon hearing from an Angel, that in 3 days, she would join her Son into Life Eternal, the Holy Theotokos immediately went to the Mount of Olives, where she prayed continuously. She then returned to her home and prepared for her burial. While these things were taking place, clouds caught up the Apostles and brought them to the house of the Mother of God, who informed them of the reason of their sudden gathering. As a mother, she consoled them in their sorrow, raised her hands to Heaven, and prayed for the peace of the world. She blessed the Apostles, and then gave up her all Holy Spirit into the hands of her Son and God.
We honor the Theotokos by bringing flowers to the celebration of her Dormition. The fragrance of the flowers filled the hearts and souls of every member present.
Also, the congregation sang “Many Years” to Dr. Greg and Rosie Radio, who celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary.
May God grant them many more years together.
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Transfiguration of Christ at St. Nicholas - 08/06/21
Fr. Matthew Joyner and Fr. Michael Kon, with Mitered Archpriest James Mason celebrated the Divine Liturgy of the Holy Transfiguration and Feast with the Blessing of Fruits.
The Transfiguration of Christ is one of the Great Feasts of the Orthodox Church, celebrated on August 6. Jesus had gone with his disciples Peter, James, and John to Mount Tabor. Christ's appearance was changed, while they watched, into a glorious radiant figure. There appeared Elijah and Moses, speaking with Jesus. The disciples were amazed and terribly afraid. This event shows forth the divinity of Christ, so that the disciples would understand, after his Ascension, that He was truly the radiant splendor of the Father, and that his Passion was voluntary.
The summer celebration of the feast, however, has lent itself very well to the theme of transfiguration. On this day, the blessing of grapes, as well as other fruits is the most beautiful and adequate sign of the final transfiguration of all things in Christ. It signifies the ultimate flowering and fruitfulness of all creation in the paradise of God’s unending Kingdom of Life where all will be transformed by the glory of the Lord.
Many members brought baskets of fruits to be blessed.
Praise God for the Glory of all things to come!
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Fr. James Mason Mitered - 07/25/21
On Sunday, July 25th, the Very Reverend Father James Mason was elevated by Archbishop Mark to Mitered Archpriest at St. Nicholas Russian Orthodox Church in Bethlehem, PA. He and Matushka Patricia celebrated 60 years of ministry in the Orthodox Church. Fr. James faithfully served parishes in Vermont, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, and New Jersey. Upon his retirement in 1999, Fr. Jim and Matushka Pat moved to Florida, where he continued to serve parishes that were in need of a priest. In 2013, Fr. Jim and Matushka Pat moved back to Pennsylvania to be closer to family. Since then he has been attached to St. Nicholas and has provided pastoral care during the absence of a full-time priest.
Archbishop Mark presented Fr. Jim and Matushka Pat their second Synodal Gramota for their continued devotion to the church.
After the Divine Liturgy, in Chernay Fellowship Hall, grateful parishioners and fellow priests from around the Diocese, celebrated Fr. Jim and Matushka Pat for their awards. Parishioners, visitors, and guests enjoyed a delicious meal that was served by the Church Council and volunteers. Fr. Matthew, rector of St. Nicholas, toasted the honored couple for their achievements and wished them many Blessings.
May God Grant Fr. James and Matushka Patricia “Many Years”.
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Baptismal Liturgy at St. Nicholas - 06/19/21
Fr. Matthew Joyner, with the assistance of Fr. Michael Kon, performed a Baptismal Liturgy for Anthony on Saturday, June 19. Michael Dorosh, a member of our church, was his sponsor (Godfather). Anthony was baptized, and he became a member of the Orthodox Christian faith. His family was in attendance to join him in celebrating his special day.
As the congregation venerated the cross, we also welcomed him to our family at St. Nicholas.
On Sunday June 20, Anthony joined his St. Nicholas family at Divine Liturgy and took communion for a second time.
May God Bless him and grant him “Many Years”.
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St. Nicholas Celebrates Agape Vespers - 05/02/21
Sunday morning May 2, Fr Matthew Joyner, lead the parishioners in an Agape Vespers Service. This service followed the long Saturday Night: Paschal Vigil, Divine Liturgy, Blessing of the Baskets and the Agape Meal. After Vespers this morning, he blessed the baskets of the parishioners that were not able to attend the Saturday night Service.
At the end of the Bright Monday Service, Fr. Matthew will have performed 20 services at St. Nicholas, from Lazarus Saturday to Bright Monday.
Now, when we greet each other, we say:
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Good Friday Burial Vespers at St. Nicholas - 04/30/21
Fr. Matthew Joyner, lead the parishioners in Good Friday’s, Burial Vespers. For Burial Vespers Christ was taken down from the Cross and placed in a tomb.
We wait with anticipation our Lord and King’s Resurrection.
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Holy Unction Service 2021 - 04/28/21
On Wednesday, April 28, 2021, Fr. Matthew Joyner, rector, assisted by Fr. James Mason, administered Holy Unction for the parishioners of St. Nicholas. This healing service is one of the Sacraments (Holy Mysteries) of the church in which Orthodox Christians are anointed for the healing of soul and body.
This service is always well attended by the members of St. Nicholas during Holy Week, especially this year.
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Palm Sunday Service at St. Nicholas - 04/25/21
On Lazarus Saturday, April 24, after the Divine Liturgy in the morning, the children of the parish put together pussy willows and palm reeds for distribution Sunday. The pussy willow/reed combination were Blessed by Fr. Matthew at Evening Vespers on Saturday.
Then, on Palm Sunday, April 25 before Divine Liturgy, the combination was distributed to the faithful of the parish. Many parishioners chose to hold the willows and palms throughout the service.
As we start Holy Week, we wait with great anticipation, the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, Our Lord and Savior.
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The Oath of Office Administered at St. Nicholas - 03/28/21
On Sunday, March 28, Father Matthew Joyner administered the oath of office to members of St. Nicholas church council, and to the church auditors. The church members were elected to their positions at our annual church meeting, held on February 21.
May God grant the newly-elected council spiritual guidance, as they fulfill their commitment and dedication to St. Nicholas Church.
May God grant them all “Many Years”.
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Sunday of Orthodoxy 2021 - 03/21/21
St. Nicholas slowly returns to normal as we recognize Sunday of Orthodoxy. The Sunday school children, lead by the Sunday School Coordinator, Karen Gowarty, and joined by their parents and teachers, made a procession to the front of the church with their favorite icons, which they brought from home. There, they were greeted by Fr. Matthew Joyner. As the children displayed their personal and favorite icons, the congregation recited together a Synodikon of the Sunday of Orthodoxy.
God keep us and protect us until we are able to worship together without restrictions.
May children everywhere keep their favorite saints close to their hearts, and always be faithful to the Christian Orthodox Church.
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Sunday of Orthodoxy 2020 - 03/08/20
Today, on the Sunday of Orthodoxy, the Sunday School children, their parents and teachers, had a procession to the front of the church with their favorite icons, which they brought from home. There, they were greeted by Fr. Matthew Joyner, and Fr. James Mason, each holding their own icons. A history was read about icons, and that the church proclaimed icons are to be honored like other material symbols of the church.
May children everywhere keep their favorite saints close to their hearts, and always be faithful to the Christian Orthodox Church.
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Oath of Office 2020 at St. Nicholas - 03/01/20
On Sunday, March 1st, Father Matthew Joyner administered the oath of office to members of St. Nicholas church council, and to the church auditors. The church members were elected to their positions at our annual church meeting, held in February.
A Gramota was also presented to outgoing Chairperson Patty Felix for her many devoted years as leader of church council.
May God grant the newly-elected council spiritual guidance, as they fulfill their commitment and dedication to St. Nicholas Church.
May God grant them all “Many Years”.
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90th Birthday Celebration at St. Nicholas - 01/26/20
On Sunday, January 26, St. Nicholas faithful joined in the birthday celebration for Paul and Dorothy Havrilko, during coffee hour in Chernay Fellowship Hall.
Fr. Matthew intoned “Many Years” for the 90 year old couple, after which, everyone sang “Happy Birthday”. While family members served the meal, Paul and Dorothy were joined by their great-grandchildren for a picture. A beautiful birthday cake was enjoyed by everyone.
All monies collected from the luncheon went to St. Michael’s Russian Orthodox Cathedral in Sitka, Alaska, birthplace of the Russian Orthodox Church in America.
May God Grant Paul and Dorothy, “Many Years”.
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Bright Hope Special Guests at St. Nicholas - 01/19/20
On Sunday, January 19, the Sanctity of Human Life Sunday, we were pleased to have Bright Hope Pregnancy Support Centers as our special guests. Community Relations Director, Jennifer Davies, gave a slide presentation to our parishioners during coffee hour. Afterwards at their display in Chernay Fellowship Hall, Antoinette Manis helped to answer questions and hand out pamphlets.
Bright Hope honors life and offers hope by providing pregnancy support services, resources and life skills education to women, men and youth. It is more than pro-life. It is pro-ABUNDANT-life, striving to save the lives of the unborn and to care for the men and women facing unplanned pregnancy. Bright Hope provides resources for their needs, not only to choose life but to begin a life that is self-sufficient.
All monies collected during the coffee hour were donated to Bright Hope.
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Sixth Advent Candle Lighting at St. Nicholas - 12/22/19
On Sunday, December 22, the sixth candle of the Advent Season was lit by Sophia Lezinsky, with the help of her Mom, Lori. The adult scriptural reading and verse, were read by Karen Gowarty.
The sixth candle is red to signify Holy Communion. It reminds us that Christ, Who came to Bethlehem and Who will come again at the end of time, comes to us now in the great Sacrament of His Presence, i.e., Holy Communion. The reason He was born in Bethlehem was that we might allow Him to come and be born in the manger of our hearts.
The entire congregation then sang the Christmas carol, “O Come, O Come Emmanuel”.
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Christmas Choir Concert at St. Nicholas - 12/15/19
On Sunday, December 15, the choir at St. Nicholas presented its Christmas Choir Concert, under the direction of our distinguished Choir Director/Reader Nick Lezinsky. The choir beautifully sang Orthodox Hymns of the Nativity and traditional Slavic Christmas Carols, while Fr. Matthew narrated the origins of some of the carols. The choir concert showcases our talented choir and draws many visitors from the surrounding Orthodox churches and communities.
St. Nicholas took time from his busy schedule, and he briefly explained his history of giving. And yes, he prefers to be called St. Nicholas.
After the concert, everyone was invited to Chernay Hall for coffee, cake and christian fellowship.
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Fifth Advent Candle Lighting at St. Nicholas - 12/15/19
On Sunday, December 15, the fifth candle of the Advent Season was lit by Nicholas Bzik with the help of his Mom, Jennifer. The student verse and scriptural reading were both read by Aurora Mascari, under the guidance of her Mom, Larissa. Great job Aurora!
The fifth candle is purple to signify repentance, and reminds us of our need to repent before we can meet the coming Christ, “Repent, for the kingdom of God is at hand”.
After the lighting, the entire congregation sung, “O Come, O Come Emmanuel”.
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Annual Yolka 2019 at St. Nicholas - 12/08/19
On Sunday, December 8, an extended coffee hour was held in Chernay Fellowship Hall where the Annual Yolka was held by the Sunday School. This year, the talents of the students were displayed for the whole congregation to see. The entire Sunday School sung carols together, after which 5 older students shared their musical talents with the entire assembly. 3 students played a carol on the piano, while 2 other students sung solo carols.
At the end of the performances, the whole Fellowship Hall joined the Sunday School in singing Christmas Carols, lead by Nick Lezinsky, the church choir director.
Our talents must have been so good, that St. Nicholas appeared and gave all the children gifts, and everyone in attendance received apples or oranges. Some of the students even got to get their picture taken with St. Nicholas.
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Fourth Advent Candle Lighting at St. Nicholas - 12/08/19
On Sunday, December 08, the fourth candle of the Advent Season Wreath was lit by Mathias aided by his Mom, Vanessa Gahles. Mathias also read the student verse, and his Mom read the adult scripture reading.
The fourth candle is white to signify peace, and reminds us of the Angel’s message to the shepherds, “Peace on earth and goodwill toward men”. The congregation and choir, directed by Reader/Choir Director Nick Lezinsky, and lead by Fr. Matthew sang the pre-Advent carol, “Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus”.
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Second Advent Candle Lighting at St. Nicholas - 11/24/19
On Sunday November 24, we continued the Advent Season with a second candle lighting ceremony. Joseph with the help of his Mom, Larissa Mascari, lit the second candle, which is blue for the hope that Christ will come again this year to bring joy into our lives. The student verse was given by Sophia, and her Mom Lori Lezinsky, read the adult scriptural reading. The congregation and choir lead by Fr. Matthew, ended the lighting ceremony by singing the pre-Advent carol, “Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus”.
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Recognition Sunday at St. Nicholas with His Eminence - 11/17/19
We were blessed to have His Eminence, our Archbishop Mark, for a pastoral visit and to present awards to members of our congregation. His Eminence tonsured Michael Metz and Nicholas Stepanoff to the rank of Reader. Both are also members of St. Nicholas’s choir. Fr. Mathew Joyner was honored with a violet Skufia, which may be awarded to a married priest. Next, Deacon Geoffrey LoBalbo was presented with the double orarion, for his several years of faithful service. The final award presented by His Eminence, was a Gramota, presented to Subdeacon Michael (Frank) Guydan, for his ongoing and devoted service to Fr. Matthew and the St. Nicholas congregation.
Axios, Axios Axios!
May God Grant Them Many Blessed Years.
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First Advent Candle Lighting at St. Nicholas - 11/17/19
Advent is the 40-day period before Christmas, which is devoted to preparing for the coming of the Messiah. It is a period of fasting, prayer, scripture reading, church attendance and participation in the sacraments, to enable us to capture the full meaning of Christ’s coming. A candle is lit on each of the 4 Sundays in Advent and is accompanied by a Sunday School Student verse and a Scriptural reading. Jacob Lezinsky with the help of his Mom, Lori, lit the first candle (which is green for faith), and Alex Hodson recited the student verse, while his Mom, Carmen read the scripture reading.
The congregation and choir, directed by Reader/Choir Director Nick Lezinsky, ended the lighting ceremony by singing “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel”.
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Sunday School Students with Parents and Siblings went to the Pumpkin Patch - 10/05/19
On Saturday, October 5th, Sunday School Students with other family members, teachers and Father Mathew, went to Unangst Tree Farms to pick pumpkins.
It was a beautiful sunny afternoon, and an activity the children will always remember.
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Church Secretary Receives Gramota at St. Nicholas Russian Orthodox Church in Bethlehem, PA - 09/22/19
On Sunday, September 22, 2019, at St. Nicholas Russian Orthodox Church in Bethlehem, following the Divine Liturgy, a Gramota was given to Rosalie Radio, to honor the many years of service that she has given to St. Nicholas as Church Secretary.
Afterwards, the Church Council honored her with a special coffee hour in Chernay Fellowship Hall. Her family were also special guests at the occasion. The current and past presidents reflected on Rosalie’s contributions and service to the church.
May God grant her, “Many Years!”
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Sunday School Blessing at St. Nicholas Russian Orthodox Church in Bethlehem, PA - 09/15/19
On Sunday, September 15, 2019, at St. Nicholas Russian Orthodox Church in Bethlehem, a blessing was given to the students and parents who were celebrating the beginning of the Sunday School Church Year. Fr. Matthew Joyner, rector, blessed the students and their families.
Afterwards, in Chernay Fellowship Hall, the congregation helped Fr. Matthew celebrate his birthday with a coffee hour and a cake.
We also honored Ted and Betty Fedora, who were celebrating their 69th wedding anniversary.
May God grant them all, “Many Years!”
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Annual Russian Days Festival at St. Nicholas Russian Orthodox Church in Bethlehem, PA - 09/06/19
Thank you to all for a successful annual Russian Days Festival. The three day festival had: delicious ethnic foods, a variety of home-made baked goods, articles for sale by local merchants, a tricky tray basket raffle and Treasures of Russia. Church tours were scheduled by Fr. Matthew Joyner, rector, which generates local interest in our parish.
Besides being supported by the parishioners, this event is widely anticipated and attended by the community.
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New Baptismal Font, Blessed at St. Nicholas Russian Orthodox Church, Bethlehem, PA - 08/25/19
On Sunday, during the Divine Liturgy, a brand new baptismal font was blessed. The font, which was funded by the “O” club, was a welcome addition to the church. The new font is big enough to baptize twins, if the need should arise.
The gift seemed appropriate for this Sunday, as we remembered St. John the Baptist, his work and his sacrifices.
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Bright Monday Liturgy at St. Nicholas Russian Orthodox, Bethlehem, PA - 04/29/19
Bright Monday Liturgy was conducted by Fr. Matthew Joyner, rector, assisted by Fr. James Mason, with guest priest, Fr. Michael Kon. It was a beautiful day for an outside church blessing.
The liturgy was followed by the Annual Hot Dog Luncheon in Chernay Fellowship Hall, in celebration of the end of Lent.
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St. Nicholas Orthodox Church Bethlehem, PA, celebrates the Glorious Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ! - 04/27/19
Fr Matthew Joyner, rector, assisted by Fr. James Mason, began the Paschal celebration at 11:30PM with the Nocturns. The celebration continued with a midnight candlelight procession, Paschal Matins, and Paschal Liturgy. We were honored to have many faithful parishioners and guests in attendance.
Following the Liturgy, the baskets were blessed in Chernay Fellowship Hall, where parishioners then enjoyed the Agape meal and Christian camaraderie.
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Holy Unction at St. Nicholas ROC Bethlehem, PA - 04/24/19
On Wednesday, April 24, 2019, Fr. Matthew Joyner, rector, assisted by Fr. James Mason, administered Holy Unction for the parishioners of St. Nicholas. This healing service is one of the Sacraments (Holy Mysteries) of the church in which Orthodox Christians are anointed for the healing of soul and body.
This service is always well attended by the members of St. Nicholas during Holy Week.
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Palm Sunday Celebration at St. Nicholas ROC Bethlehem, PA - 04/21/19
On Palm Sunday, April 21, the pussy willows and palms were blessed by Fr. Matthew Joyner, assisted by Fr. James Mason, Deacon Geoffrey, Altar Servers, and the St. Nicholas Choir, directed by Reader Nicholas Lezinsky. The blessed palms and pussy willows were distributed to the faithful of the congregation, immediately after the blessing, and then the Divine Liturgy was served.
After the Divine Liturgy, a Lenten Luncheon was served in Chernay Fellowship Hall. Delicious food and Christian fellowship were enjoyed by all who attended.
As we start Holy Week, we wait with great anticipation, the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, Our Lord and Savior.
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Christmation of 11 New Members at St. Nicholas ROC Bethlehem, PA - 04/20/19
On Saturday, April 20, Lazarus Saturday, Fr. Matthew Joyner christmated 11 new members into our Russian Orthodox Christian community. We were also blessed with an archpastoral visit from our Archbishop Mark, who witnessed this blessed event, and offered special advice for the newly confirmed.
A beautiful luncheon was held for the newly christmated by their sponsors.
St. Nicholas warmly welcomes the new members and wishes them many years as Orthodox Christians.
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2019 Lenten Fish Dinners at St. Nicholas Russian Orthodox Church, Bethlehem, PA - 04/19/19
This year our guests and parishioners enjoyed 3 Lenten Friday fish dinners. The dinners were well attended, very successful, and widely enjoyed by the surrounding community. The dinners also included: themed raffle baskets, Treasures of Russia, crafts and candy sales.
A BIG thanks goes to everyone who made this possible, and we hope to see you again next year!
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Pan-Orthodox Mission Vespers Hosted by St. Nicholas ROC, Bethlehem, PA - 03/24/19
On Sunday, March 24, Pan-Orthodox Mission Vespers were celebrated on the 2nd Sunday of Great Lent, by Fr. Matthew Joyner, assisted by several Orthodox priests and deacons of the Lehigh Valley. Fr. Andrew Damick, President of the Lehigh Valley Clergy Brotherhood, delivered the Homily.
The choir, led by Choir Director/Reader Nick Lezinsky, sang beautifully. Orthodox Christians from around the Lehigh Valley attended this Vespers Service. Priests and parishioners, from Antiochian, Greek, Ukrainian, and our own Russian Orthodox Church, united to celebrate this Sunday’s Lenten Mission Vespers.
After the service, refreshments were served in Chernay Fellowship Hall.
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Sunday of Orthodoxy at St. Nicholas ROC, Bethlehem, PA - 03/17/19
Today, on the Sunday of Orthodoxy, the Sunday School children, their parents and teachers, had a procession to the front of the church with their favorite icons, which they brought from home. There, they were greeted by Fr. Matthew Joyner, Fr. James Mason, guest priest Fr. Gregory Dudash and Deacon Geoffrey Lobalbo, each holding their own icons. A history was read about icons, and that the church proclaimed icons are to be honored like other material symbols of the church.
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Oath of Office 2019 at St. Nicholas - 03/03/19
On Sunday, March 3rd, Father Matthew Joyner administered the oath of office to members of St. Nicholas church council and to the church auditors. The church members were elected to their positions at our annual church meeting, held in February.
May God grant them “Many Years”.
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Birthday Celebration for Two Year Old Ellie Bessman at St. Nicholas ROC, Bethlehem, PA - 02/24/19
On Sunday, February 24, Ellie Bessman, daughter of Peter and Lara Bessman, celebrated her second birthday with a special coffee hour in Chernay Fellowship Hall. After parishioners prayed and sung Happy Birthday, Ellie’s Mom and Dad provided everyone with pizza, cake and refreshments. Ellie shared her good time with her young friends, who also enjoyed her birthday party.
May God grant Ellie, “Many Years”.
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55th Annual Diocesan Assembly (Day 2 of 2), Hosted by St. Nicholas ROC, Bethlehem, PA. - 01/25/19
Day 2 of the 55th Annual Diocesan Assembly began with Divine Liturgy celebrated by Archbishop Mark, with the Chancellor and Deans concelebrating, and a homily given by Fr. Matthew (the host pastor).
Everyone then retired to Chernay Fellowship Hall for a brunch, that was prepared by St. Nicholas’s faithful.
The Assembly meeting of the second day went quickly, with a report from the Office of Young Adults. Assembly elections were held, followed by a report from each of the Deanery Clergy Representatives. The Deaneries then held caucuses in each corner of the hall to elect representatives for the upcoming year.
The host for next year’s 56th Annual Diocesan Assembly will be Christ the Savior Church in Harrisburg, PA, on Thursday, January 23th, and Friday, January 24th, 2020.
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55th Annual Diocesan Assembly (Day 1 of 2), Hosted by St. Nicholas ROC, Bethlehem, PA. - 01/24/19
Day 1 started with the registration of the parish priests, delegates, and invited guests. The meeting started with “O Heavenly King…” and the committee meetings/reports began for this 2 day Diocesan Assembly. After the first session ended, the entire assembly then moved to St. Nicholas’s sanctuary for the Evening Vespers and Litya.
After the service everyone retired to Chernay Fellowship Hall for a dinner prepared by parish members.
Following the dinner, Archbishop Mark made special presentations. A check was given to Hieromonk Herman who represented St. Tikhon’s Monastery. Two retired priests, Fr. David Schewczyk (not present, but currently living in South Carolina), and Fr. Dan Kovalak were recognized for their work. Many of the priests present, shared their experiences for having the retirees as mentors and friends. Finally, a very special presentation was made to Matuska Koptestonsky, a former Secretary of the Diocese, for her many years of devotion and servitude.
The evening concluded with a wine and cheese reception provided by the young adults of St. Nicholas Parish.
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Eve of Theophany, Great Compline and Litya with the Great Blessing of the Water - 01/05/19
On Saturday, January 5, St. Nicholas celebrated the Eve of Theophany with a Lenten Holy Supper, a Great Compline and Litya. A Holy Lenten Supper preceded the service, and was served in Chernay Fellowship Hall. Patricia Felix, Parish Council Chair, offered a toast to celebrate the New Year. Everyone in attendance enjoyed the delicious meal, prepared by the ladies of the parish. Fr. Matthew Joyner with the parishioners, than participated in the Great Blessing of the Water.
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Sixth Advent Candle Lighting at St. Nicholas - 12/23/18
On Sunday, December 23, the sixth candle of the Advent Season was lit by Aurora, with the help of her Mom, Larissa Mascari. The adult scriptural reading was done by Pat Grammes, Sunday School Director, and the student verse was done by Elizabeth Hockman. The sixth candle is red to signify Holy Communion. It reminds us that Christ, Who came to Bethlehem and Who will come again at the end of time, comes to us now in the great Sacrament of His Presence, i.e., Holy Communion. The reason He was born in Bethlehem was that we might allow Him to come and be born in the manger of our hearts.
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Christmas Choir Concert at St. Nicholas - 12/16/18
On Sunday, December 16, the choir at St. Nicholas presented its Christmas Choir Concert. Under the direction of our distinguished Choir Director/Reader Nick Lezinsky, the choir beautifully sang songs of the Nativity and other seasonal favorite Russian/ethnic Christmas carols. The choir concert showcases our talented choir and draws many visitors from the surrounding Orthodox churches and communities. After the concert, everyone was invited to Chernay Hall for coffee, cake and christian fellowship.
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Fifth Advent Candle Lighting at St. Nicholas - 12/16/18
On Sunday, December 16, the fifth candle of the Advent Season was lit by Alex Hodson, son of Moses and Carmen. The verse and scriptural readings were read by Larissa Mascari. The fifth candle is purple to signify repentance, and reminds us of our need to repent before we can meet the coming Christ, “Repent, for the kingdom of God is at hand”.
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Annual Christmas Bazaar at St. Nicholas - 12/14/18
On Friday, December 14, and Saturday, December 15, St. Nicholas held its annual Christmas bazaar. Delicious ethnic foods and home-made baked goods were served. Local crafters, artists, and merchants provided gifts for sale. There was also a tricky-tray basket raffle with 33 baskets, and our own Treasures of Russia offered a variety of icons, matryoshka dolls, angels, ornaments, and other Russian crafts. Fr. Matthew gave church tours twice a day and also honored special requests. The event is always well attended, by both church members and the local community.
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Fourth Advent Candle Lighting at St. Nicholas - 12/09/18
On Sunday, December 09, the fourth candle of the Advent Season was lit by Christopher and his Dad, Moses Hodson, while the verse and scripture readings were read by mom/wife, Carmen. The fourth candle is white to signify peace, and reminds us of the Angel’s message to the shepherds, “Peace on earth and goodwill toward men”. The congregation and choir, directed by Reader/Choir Director Nick Lezinsky ended the lighting ceremony by singing, “O Little Town of Bethlehem”.
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Baptismal Liturgy for Olivia Nikolaevna Stepanoff at St. Nicholas Russian Orthodox - 11/25/18
On Sunday November 25, Olivia Nikolaevna Stepanoff was baptized and chrismated into the Christian Orthodox Faith. She is the daughter of Nicholas and Valerie Stepanoff. Her Godmother is Lydia Stepanoff, Nick’s sister.
May God keep Olivia in his care.
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Second Sunday in Advent Candle Lighting at St. Nicholas - 11/25/18
On Sunday November 25, we continued the Advent Season with a second candle lighting ceremony. Alex with the help of his Mom, Carmen Hodson, lit the second candle, which is blue for the hope that Christ will come again this year to bring joy into our lives. The student verse was given by Aurora, daughter of Joseph and Larissa Mascari, and the adult scriptural reading was done by Karen Gowarty. The congregation and choir ended the lighting ceremony by singing, “Joy to the World”.
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First Advent Candle Lighting at St. Nicholas ROC, Bethlehem, PA. - 11/18/18
Advent is the 40-day period before Christmas, which is devoted to preparing for the coming of the Messiah. It is a period of fasting, prayer, scripture reading, church attendance and participation in the sacraments, to enable us to capture the full meaning of Christ’s coming. A candle is lit on each of the 4 Sundays in Advent and is accompanied by a Sunday School Student verse and a Scriptural reading. Pat Grammes, Sunday School Director, lit the first candle (which is green for faith), and Elizabeth Hockman recited the student verse and the Scriptural reading.
The congregation and choir, directed by Nick Lezinsky, ended the lighting ceremony by singing “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel”.
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Veterans Recognized By St. Nicholas ROC Bethlehem, PA for their Sacrifices - 11/11/18
On Sunday November 11th, St. Nicholas recognized Veterans for their years of service to our country. Fr. Matthew then called all service personnel, both Active Duty and Veterans, to the front of the church for a special blessing. After the Divine Liturgy and the special blessing, a coffee hour was held for all military personnel for their service. Fr. Matthew was also honored for both the anniversary of his 2nd year Ordination and his first anniversary as rector and spiritual leader at St. Nicholas ROC in Bethlehem, PA.
May God grant our Veterans and Fr. Matthew, “Many Years”.
Pictured separately from the group is the church photographer Barry Bretz, a US Navy Veteran.
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Annual Hot Dog Luncheon to Benefit the Allentown Soup Kitchen - 10/28/18
On Sunday after Divine Liturgy, the Annual Hot Dog Luncheon was held to benefit the Allentown Soup Kitchen. Every even month of the year, St. Nicholas members, volunteer to serve lunch at the Allentown Soup Kitchen. These volunteers are also members of the National Slovak Society (NSS). The NSS matches the funds raised today (up to $400), and that amount is then given to the Allentown Soup Kitchen.
This is just another of St. Nicholas’s mission outreach to serve our community.
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Sunday School Blessing at St. Nicholas Russian Orthodox Church in Bethlehem - 09/16/18
On Sunday, September 16, 2018, at St. Nicholas RO Church in Bethlehem, a Molieben was celebrated for the beginning of the Sunday Church School Year. Fr. Matthew Joyner, rector blessed the students and their families.
Afterwards, in Chernay Fellowship Hall, the congregation helped Fr. Matthew celebrate his birthday with a coffee hour and a cake.
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36th Russian Days Festival at St. Nicholas Russian Orthodox Church in Bethlehem, PA - 09/07/18
Thank you to all for a successful 36th Annual Russian Days Festival. The two day festival had activities for kids, articles for sale by local merchants, delicious ethnic foods, baked goods, a tricky tray basket raffle, and Treasures of Russia. Church tours were conducted by request, by Father Matthew Joyner, rector, which generates local interest in our parish. Besides being supported by the parishioners, it's also a huge community event.
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Pilgrimage to Sitka Alaska by 10 St. Nicholas Members - 08/19/18
In August, 10 parishioners of St. Nicholas RO Church in Bethlehem traveled to Sitka, Alaska, birthplace of the Russian Orthodox Church in America. Bishop David Mahaffey, of Sitka and Alaska, and also a former rector at St. Nicholas, Bethlehem, welcomed the group. A Divine Liturgy was celebrated at the Bishop’s House (established by St. Innocence), which is now under the authority of the National Park Service. Several of our choir members participated in singing the responses to the liturgy. After being treated to a wonderful lunch, the parishioners walked to nearby St. Michael’s Cathedral, where a Panikhida was celebrated for several deceased relatives of the travelers.
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Baptismal Liturgy at St. Nicholas Russian Orthodox Church, Bethlehem, PA - 07/29/18
Fr. Matthew Joyner, rector, administered a Baptismal Liturgy for Valerie Kay Stepanoff on Sunday, July 29. Valerie was accompanied by her husband Nicholas and her sponsor, Anna Rodzianko. The St. Nicholas Choir, under the direction of Nick Lezinsky, sang as Valerie was baptized and became a member of the Orthodox Christian faith.
As the congregation venerated the cross, we also welcomed Valerie to our family at St. Nicholas.
May God Bless her and her unborn child.
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Blessing of the Vehicles at St. Nicholas Russian Orthodox Church, Bethlehem, PA - 07/22/18
Fr. James Mason, attached, and in the absence of Fr. Matthew Joyner, rector, administered a ‘Blessing of the Vehicles’ after the Divine Liturgy Sunday. The St. Nicholas Choir, under the direction of Nick Lezinsky, sang as they followed Fr. Mason. It was a rainy and humid day, but the faithful of St. Nicholas stood by their vehicles as they waited for this annual blessing.
Fr. Jim’s last instruction to all of us, was to “Drive Safely”.
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St. Nicholas Russian Orthodox Church Young Adult Gathering at the Rectory - 07/07/18
On Saturday July 7th, young adults of the parish (and their children) gathered for a pizza party lunch at the Parish Rectory. The adults enjoyed conversation sitting in the cool in the shade, while the children had a good time chasing a chipmunk around the yard!
During this gathering we also had a short meeting to discuss arrangements for the diocesan assembly to take place at St. Nicholas in January 2019.
We look forward to many more gatherings to encourage fellowship of our young adults in the parish.
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St. Nicholas ROC, Bethlehem, PA, Volunteer Pierogi Workers Luncheon - 05/30/18
On Wednesday, May 30th, pierogi workers were recognized with a Molieben and luncheon. A variety of appetizers, salad, a turkey entrée and desserts, were served in Chernay Fellowship Hall, to honor the pierogi workers.
After a blessing by Fr. Matthew, and before the luncheon, Sarah Jubinski – pierogi coordinator, made a toast, with wine provided, for the guests of honor. The pierogi project makes donations to: cleaning of vestments, renovation of the church rectory, maintenance repairs/purchase of new kitchen equipment, St. Tikhon’s Century Association, March of Dimes, and Northampton Children’s Bureau, to mention a few. Pierogi making continues to be a valuable church project and resource that aids the church and benefits others in our community.
May God grant many blessed, healthy years to all our workers, and to all who support the pierogi project. We pray that St. Euphrosini, the patron saint of cooks, will continue to guide our hands as we peel, cut, roll, pinch, boil, pack and sell our pierogis.
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Catechism Classes for Catechumens and/or inquirers, at Saint Nicholas ROC, Bethlehem, PA - 05/13/18
Fr. Matthew Joyner started a 9 week-long Catechism Class which will focus on “The Creed: What Orthodox Believe.” This is a MUST attend for all catechumens and/or inquirers. Fr. Matthew also encourages all parish members to join in. Classes will be held on Sunday’s at Noon (after Coffee Hour) in the old hall downstairs below the Sanctuary. This first event in the series was well attended. The other dates are May 20th, June 3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th, and July 1st, 8th, and 15th.
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Bright Monday Liturgy at St. Nicholas Russian Orthodox, Bethlehem, PA - 04/09/18
Bright Monday Liturgy was conducted by Fr. Matthew Joyner, rector, and guest priest, Fr. Michael Kon.
The liturgy was followed by the Annual Hot Dog Luncheon in Chernay Fellowship Hall, in the celebration of the end of Lent.
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St. Nicholas celebrates the Glorious Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ! - 04/07/18
Fr Matthew Joyner, rector, began St. Nicholas’s Paschal celebration at 9AM Saturday, with the Liturgy of St. Basil. At 11:30PM, the celebration continued with a midnight candlelight procession, Paschal Matins, and Paschal Liturgy. We were honored to have many faithful parishioners and guests in attendance. Following the Liturgy, the baskets were blessed in Chernay Fellowship Hall, where parishioners then enjoyed the Agape meal and Christian camaraderie.
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Good Friday Burial Vespers at St. Nicholas Russian Orthodox Church in Bethlehem, PA.
Fr. Matthew Joyner, Rector, lead the parishioners in Good Friday’s, Burial Vespers. For Burial Vespers Christ was taken down from the Cross and placed in a tomb.
We wait with anticipation our Lord and King’s Resurrection.
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Holy Unction at St. Nicholas ROC Bethlehem, PA - 04/04/18
On Wednesday, April 4, 2018, Fr. Matthew Joyner, rector, administered Holy Unction to the parishioners of St. Nicholas. Liam, the son of Fr. Matthew and Matuska Ashley, received his first Holy Unction Blessing.
This healing service is one of the Sacraments (Holy Mysteries) of the church in which Orthodox Christians are anointed for the healing of soul and body.
This service is always well attended by the members of St. Nicholas during Holy Week.
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Palm Sunday Celebration with Archbishop Mark at St. Nicholas ROC Bethlehem, PA - 04/01/18
On Palm Sunday, April 1, the Divine Liturgy was served, and pussy willows and palms were blessed by Archbishop Mark and Fr. Matthew, rector, assisted by Deacon Geoffrey, Altar Servers, and the St. Nicholas Choir, directed by Reader Nicholas Lezinsky. The blessed palms and pussy willows were distributed to the faithful of the congregation, after the service.
During the service, Fr. Matthew was awarded the ‘Nebedrenik’ by Archbishop Mark. The award is a shield, which stands for the duty of the priest to be a defender of the faith and the flock, as well as a preacher of the truth.
After the Divine Liturgy, the award to Fr. Matthew, and distribution of the pussy willows and palms, a Lenten Luncheon was served in Chernay Fellowship Hall. Delicious food and Christian fellowship were enjoyed by all who attended.
As we start Holy Week, we wait with great anticipation the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, Our Lord and Savior.
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2018 Lenten Fish Dinners at St. Nicholas Russian Orthodox Church, Bethlehem, PA - 03/30/18
This year our guests and parishioners enjoyed 3 lenten Friday fish dinners. The dinners were well attended, very successful, and widely enjoyed by the surrounding community. The dinners also included: themed raffle baskets, Treasures of Russia, crafts and candy sales.
A BIG thanks goes to everyone who made this possible, and we hope to see you again next year!
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Sunday of Orthodoxy at St. Nicholas ROC, Bethlehem, PA - 02/25/18
Today, on the Sunday of Orthodoxy, the Sunday School children, their parents and teachers, had a procession to the front of the church with their favorite icons, which they brought from home. There, they were greeted by Fr. Matthew Joyner, Fr. James Mason, and Deacon Geoffrey Lobalbo, each holding their own icons. Ethan Radio, and Sunday School Coordinator Pat Grammes read about icons, and that the church proclaimed icons are to be honored like other material symbols of the church.
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Father Matthew Administers the Oath of Office - 02/25/18
On Sunday, February 25th, at St. Nicholas, Father Matthew gave the oath of office to members of the church council, the church auditors, the 2018 delegate and alternate to the Diocesan Assembly, and the delegate and alternate to the 2019 All American Council. Church members, who were voted into office and others who volunteered to serve, were given the oath.
May God grant them “Many Years”.
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Pan-Orthodox Mission Vespers / Sunday of Orthodoxy Hosted by St. Nicholas ROC, Bethlehem, PA - 02/25/18
On Sunday, February 25, Pan-Orthodox of the Lehigh Valley Clergy Brotherhood, under the direction of Fr. Andrew Damick, President, celebrated the 1st Sunday of Great Lent Mission Vespers and the Sunday of Orthodoxy. The Guest Homilist was Bishop Neophytos. He is the first native Kenyan Bishop of the Diocese of Nyeri and Mt. Kenya, within the Patriarchate of Alexandria and All-Africa.
The celebration was hosted by St. Nicholas ROC, Bethlehem, PA. The choir, led by Choir Director/Reader Nick Lezinsky, sang beautifully. Orthodox Christians from around the Lehigh Valley attended this Vespers Service. Priests and parishioners, from Antiochian, Greek, Ukrainian, and our own Russian Orthodox Church, united to celebrate this Sunday’s Lenten Mission Vespers.
After the service, refreshments were served in Chernay Fellowship Hall.
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Pan Orthodox Blessing of the Waters in the Lehigh Valley - 01/21/18
The Lehigh Valley Pan Orthodox Blessing of the Waters took place on Sunday, January 21, 2018 at Jordan Creek Park in Whitehall, PA. Some 40 people gathered for the annual event. Responses for parts of the service were made in the traditional language/melody/chant of the churches represented. Clergy present were Fr. Theodore Petrides, Fr. Alexey Petrides, Fr. Andrew Damick (celebrant), Fr. Matthew Joyner, Fr. Joseph Landino, and Fr. James Cairns (homilist).
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St. Nicholas ROC, Bethlehem, PA, Volunteer Pierogi Workers Luncheon - 01/15/18
On Monday January 15, pierogi workers were honored with a Moliben, and a Panikhida was held for the departed workers. A catered luncheon in Chernay Fellowship Hall followed.
After a Blessing by Fr. Matthew and during the luncheon, Sarah Jubinski gave a short report of the donations made to the different church projects and outside organizations from the Altar Society and Pierogi Project. Donations were made to: cleaning of vestments, renovation of the church rectory, maintenance repairs/purchase of new kitchen equipment, Father John Nightingale, St. Tikhon’s Century Association, March of Dimes, Northampton Children’s Bureau, and IOCC Hurricane Relief, to mention a few that were made during this year. Pierogi making continues to be a valuable church project and resource that aids the church and others in our community.
May God grant many blessed healthy years to all our workers, and to all who support the pierogi project. We pray that St. Euphrosini, the patron saint of cooks, will continue to guide our hands as we peel, cut, roll, pinch, boil, pack and sell our pierogis.
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Eve of Theophany Celebrated at St. Nicholas ROC, Bethlehem, PA. - 01/05/18
On Friday, January 5, St. Nicholas celebrated the Eve of Theophany with a Lenten Holy Supper and a Great Compline with the Great Blessing of the Water. The Holy Supper preceded the service, and was served in Chernay Fellowship Hall. Everyone in attendance enjoyed the delicious meal, prepared by the ladies of the parish.
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Bringing Joy to Shut-ins by the Choir at St. Nicholas ROC, Bethlehem, PA. - 12/26/17
On the second day of Christmas, the Synaxis of the Theotokos, members of St. Nicholas Church choir with others, brought the joy of the Nativity to shut-in parishioners in their homes and many others at care facilities. The greatest gift the carolers gave was their cheerful singing of hymns, carols, and other selections of the season. The happy sounds brought many elderly out of their rooms to listen and join in the singing. Everyone who heard the music, shut-in members, facility personnel, and the singers themselves, were all tremendously uplifted by the beautiful sounds of the Nativity.
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Feast of the Nativity and Seventh Advent Candle Lighting at St. Nicholas ROC, Bethlehem, PA. - 12/25/17
On Sunday, December 25, the seventh candle of the Advent Season was lit by Alex Hodson, with assistance from his Dad, Moses Hodson. The student verse was read by Elizabeth Hockman and the adult scriptural readings were done by Superintendent of Church Sunday School, Pat Grammes. The seventh candle Lighting is the culmination of the Advent Candle Lighting Season, i.e., Faith (God keeps His promises), hope, love, peace, repentance and Emmanuel (God with us) in Holy Communion. The seventh candle shines the holy radiance of a Baby’s Birth, The Christ, Who brought the light of God to earth. The congregation and choir, directed by Reader/Choir Director Nick Lezinsky, ended the ceremony by singing, “Hark! The Herald Angels Sing”.
This years photos include scenes in the altar area, dedicated to our Altar Servers, who serve the church and the parish priests all year long.
This Christmas the Liturgy Service and Church sparkled, as we worshiped the birth of Christ, and reminded worshipers:
Christ is Born!
Glorify Him!
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Sixth Sunday in Advent Candle Lighting at St. Nicholas ROC, Bethlehem, PA. - 12/24/17
On Sunday, December 24, the sixth candle of the Advent Season was lit by Elizabeth Hockman. The adult scriptural reading was done by Lori Lezinsky. The sixth candle is red to signify Holy Communion. It reminds us that Christ, Who came to Bethlehem and Who will come again at the end of time, comes to us now in the great Sacrament of His Presence, i.e., Holy Communion. The reason He was born in Bethlehem was that we might allow Him to come and be born in the manger of our hearts.
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Annual Christmas Choir Concert at St. Nicholas ROC Bethlehem, PA - 12/17/17
On Sunday, December 17, the choir at St. Nicholas presented its Christmas Choir Concert. Under the direction of our distinguished Choir Director/Reader Nick Lezinsky, the choir beautifully sang songs of the Nativity and other seasonal favorite Russian Christmas carols. The choir concert showcases our talented choir and draws many visitors from the surrounding Orthodox churches and communities.
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Fifth Sunday in Advent Candle Lighting at St. Nicholas ROC, Bethlehem, PA. - 12/17/17
On Sunday, December 17, the fifth candle of the Advent Season was lit by Alex and Christopher Hodson, with the help of their mother, Carmen. The adult scriptural readings were read by their father, Moses Hodson. The fifth candle is purple to signify repentance, and reminds us of our need to repent before we can meet the coming Christ, “Repent, for the kingdom of God is at hand”.
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Annual Christmas Bazaar at St. Nicholas ROC, Bethlehem, PA. - 12/09/17
On Friday December 8 and Saturday December 9, St. Nicholas held its annual Christmas bazaar. Delicious ethnic foods and home-made baked goods were served. Local crafters, artists, and merchants provided gifts for sale. There was also a tricky-tray basket raffle with 40 baskets. The event is always well attended by both church members and the local community.
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Fourth Sunday in Advent Candle Lighting at St. Nicholas ROC, Bethlehem, PA. - 12/10/17
On Sunday, December 10, Ethan Radio lit the fourth candle of the Advent Season and also read the Sunday School Student verse. Ethan is the son of Scott Radio and the grandson of Dr. Greg and Rosalie Radio. The adult scriptural reading was done by Carmen Hodson. The fourth candle is white to signify peace, and reminds us of the angel's message to the shepherds, “Peace on earth and goodwill toward men”. The congregation and choir, directed by Reader/Choir Director Nick Lezinsky, ended the lighting ceremony by singing, “O Little Town of Bethlehem”.
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Annual Yolka by the Sunday School at St. Nicholas ROC, Bethlehem, PA. - 12/03/17
On Sunday, December 3, an extended coffee hour was held in Chernay Fellowship Hall where the Annual Yolka was held by the Sunday School. This year, the whole Fellowship Hall joined the Sunday School in singing Christmas Carols. The singing was so good that St. Nicholas appeared and gave all the children gifts, and everyone in attendance received apples and oranges. Some lucky parishioners got to be photographed with St. Nicholas.
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Third Sunday in Advent Candle Lighting at St. Nicholas ROC, Bethlehem, PA. - 12/03/17
On Sunday December 3rd, the third candle of the Advent Season was lit and the Sunday School Student Verse was done by Alex Lustig, son of Eric and Victoria Lustig. The Adult scriptural reading was done by Sunday School Teacher, Karen Gowarty. The third candle is gold to express love. It is lit to remind us of the great Gift the Lord gave us at Christmas; the gift of His love: Jesus. The congregation and choir, directed by Reader/Choir Director Nick Lezinsky ended the ceremony by singing, “O Come All Ye Faithful”.
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Second Sunday in Advent Candle Lighting at St. Nicholas ROC, Bethlehem, PA. - 11/26/17
On Sunday November 26, we continued the Advent Season with a second candle lighting ceremony. Gabriel Gowarty , son of Karen Gowarty, lit the second candle, which is blue for the hope that Christ will come again this year to bring joy into our lives. The adult scriptural reading was done by Reader Matthew Lezinsky. The congregation and choir ended the ceremony by singing, “Joy to the World”.
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A Special Coffee Hour Was Held To Honor Choir Director Nick Lezinsky at St. Nicholas - 11/05/17
The first week in November marks Reader Nick Lezinsky’s 30th year as choir director at St. Nicholas Russian Orthodox Church. Despite work and family obligations, Nick has worked tirelessly for the good of the choir and the church. In addition to weekend Vespers and Divine Liturgies, he has consistently directed weekday services during Lent and on Holy days. He has aided the priest by singing the responses, either alone or with the choir, at innumerable weddings, baptisms, funerals, moliebens, panikhidas, and home blessings. Over the years, Nick has tried to make Orthodoxy visible to the outside world by directing the choir at events such as: Bethlehem’s First Night, the anniversary of Hanover Township, concerts at various non-Orthodoxy churches, and also at our own Christmas concerts and Russian Days. He loves incorporating new members into the choir and watching their “talent” bloom in the church. St. Nicholas Church is very fortunate to have such a devoted and energized director as Nick. Those who truly know him, know that Nick gives endlessly out of his love for God, Church and Music.
God Grant you “Many Years”, Nick.
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St. Nicholas holds the Annual Hot Dog Luncheon to Benefit the Allentown Soup Kitchen. - 10/01/17
On Sunday after Divine Liturgy, the Annual Hot Dog Luncheon was held to benefit the Allentown Soup Kitchen. Every even month of the year, St. Nicholas members, volunteer to serve lunch at the Allentown Soup Kitchen. These volunteers are also members of the National Slovak Society (NSS). The NSS matches the funds raised today (up to $400), and that amount is then given to the Allentown Soup Kitchen.
This is just another of St. Nicholas’s mission outreach to serve our community.
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St. Nicholas Celebrates the Dormition of the Holy Theotokos with a Divine Liturgy
On Tuesday August 15th, St. Nicholas celebrated the Dormition of the Holy Theotokos and the Blessing of the Flowers with a Divine Liturgy. The fragrance of the flowers, with the Divine Liturgy of the Dormition of the Holy Theotokos, filled the hearts and souls of every member present.
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Archbishop Mark Visits St. Nicholas - 08/06/17
On August 5th & 6th, St. Nicholas had the pleasure of hosting Archbishop Mark for the Holy Transfiguration and the Blessing of the Fruit. His Eminence also met with the Sunday School, Choir, Church Council and attended a luncheon for the pierogi workers.
May God grant his Eminence “Many Years”.
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Annual Blessing of the Vehicles - 07/23/17
Fr. James Mason, attached, administered a Blessing of the Vehicles after the Divine Liturgy Sunday. It was a hot beautiful day, and the Faithful of St. Nicholas enjoyed the day outside, and this annual Blessing.
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2017 Graduates from St. Nicholas ROC, Bethlehem, PA - 05/28/17
Victoria Weremedic and Yuri Guanowsky were honored Sunday May 28th for their academic achievements.
Victoria Anne Weremedic graduated from Liberty High School. She is a member of the cross country, track and swim teams at Liberty. Victoria is a member of the National Honor Society and received the Green Hand award from FFA. She completed over 90 volunteer hours during her high school years. Victoria plans to obtain employment, working with animals.
Yuri Guanowsky is graduating from Parkland High School. He is a Parkland High School Band member in the trumpet section for the past four years, and has also been the section leader in the marching band for the past two years. Yuri is a member of the German Club and the President of the German Honor Society. He is on the Scholastic Scrimmage team and a multiyear participant in the Ivy League Mock United Nations Conference. He played in pit orchestra, and is a member of the Political Science Club and the National Honor Society. Yuri has been an altar server at St. Nicholas for the last ten years. He volunteers at Lehigh Valley Hospital. Yuri enjoys playing basketball, hiking and debating politics. He will attend Lafayette College in the fall, and plans to study biology and government/law.
A coffee hour was sponsored by the Sunday Church School in honor of our High School Graduates. Congratulations to both of our graduates and their families.
“May God Grant You Many Years”.
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Stained Glass of St. Nicholas, ROC Bethlehem, PA - 04/18/17
At Fr. Weremedic's request, here are pictures of the Stained Glass at St. Nicholas.
Just beautiful!
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Pierogi Workers Honored at St. Nicholas ROC, Bethlehem, PA - 04/18/17
On Tuesday April 18, pierogi workers were honored with a Panikhida and Molieben in church.
After a Blessing by Fr. Weremedic, a luncheon was enjoyed by all at the Borderline Restaurant.
Donations are made to different church projects and organizations from the pierogi funds throughout the year. Thanks go to all of the volunteers who make this possible.
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Bright Monday Liturgy at St. Nicholas Russian Orthodox, Bethlehem, PA - 04/17/17
Bright Monday Liturgy was conducted by Fr. James Weremedic, rector, Fr. James Mason, attached, and guest priest, Fr. Michael Kon.
The service was followed by the Annual Hot Dog Luncheon in Chernay Fellowship Hall.
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St. Nicholas Celebrates Pascha - 04/16/17
St. Nicholas Paschal celebration began at 9AM Saturday, with the Liturgy of St. Basil. At 11:30PM, the celebration continued with a midnight candlelight procession, Paschal Matins, and Paschal Liturgy. We were honored to have many faithful parishioners and guests in attendance.
Following the Liturgy, the baskets were blessed in Chernay Fellowship Hall, where parishioners then enjoyed the Agape meal and Christian camaraderie.
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Good Friday Evening Services at St. Nicholas Russian Orthodox Church in Bethlehem, PA, - 04/14/17
Fr. James Weremedic, Rector, assisted by Fr. James Mason, lead the parishioners in Good Friday’s, Burial Vespers and Matins - Laminations. For Burial Vespers Christ was taken down from the Cross and placed in a tomb. During Mains - Laminations at the tomb, the parishioners conducted an outdoor procession around the church. Now an All Night Watch at the tomb of Christ by reading the Psalms throughout the night.
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Holy Unction at St. Nicholas ROC Bethlehem, PA - 04/12/17
On Wednesday April 12, 2017, Fr. James Weremedic, rector, assisted by Fr. James Mason administered Holy Unction for the parishioners of St. Nicholas. This healing service is one of the Sacraments (Holy Mysteries) of the church in which Orthodox Christians are anointed for the healing of soul and body.
This service is always well attended by the members of St. Nicholas during Holy Week.
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Palm Sunday Service at St. Nicholas - 04/09/17
On Palm Sunday, April 9, pussy willows and palms were blessed by Fr. James Weremedic, Rector, assisted by Fr. James Mason and Fr. Thomas Edwards. The blessed palms and pussy willows were then distributed to the faithful of the congregation.
After the Divine Liturgy, our annual Lenten covered dish meal was served in the Chernay Fellowship Hall. Delicious food and Christian fellowship were enjoyed by all who attended.
As we start Holy Week, we wait with great anticipation the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, Our Lord and Savior.
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Lenten Fish Dinners 2017 - 04/07/17
This year our guests and parishioners enjoyed 3 Lenten Friday Fish Dinners. The event is widely enjoyed by the surrounding community. This year's dinners were well attended and were very successful.
A BIG thanks goes to everyone who made this possible, and we hope to see you again next year! Pictures shown are from all 3 Lenten Dinners.
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Jacob Lezinsky 2nd Birthday Party - 03/26/17
On Sunday, March 26, Jacob Lezinsky, son of Mathew and Lori Lezinsky, grandson of Nick and Judy Lezinsky and great-grandson of Paul and Dorothy Havrilko, celebrated his second birthday.
Jacob celebrated his birthday by lighting a candle, listening to his father read the epistle, and taking communion.
A special coffee hour in his honor was hosted by his family in Chernay Hall. Also attending his birthday get-together was his older sister Sophia.
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2nd Sunday of Great Lent Mission Vespers St. Gregory Palamas Hosted by St. Nicholas ROC, Bethlehem - 03/12/17
On Sunday March 12, Pan-Orthodox of the Lehigh Valley Clergy Brotherhood, under the direction of Fr. Andrew Damick, President, celebrated the 2nd Sunday of Great Lent Mission Vespers, honoring St. Gregory Palamas. The Guest Homilist was Fr. Alexey Petrides.
The celebration was hosted by St. Nicholas ROC, Bethlehem, PA. The choir, led by Choir Director/Reader Nick Lezinsky, sang beautifully. Orthodox Christians from around the Lehigh Valley attended this Vespers Service. Priests and parishioners, from Antiochian, Greek, Ukrainian, and our own Russian Orthodox Church, united to celebrate this Sunday’s Lenten Mission Vespers.
After the service, lenten refreshments were served in Chernay Fellowship Hall.
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Sunday of Orthodoxy at St. Nicholas ROC, Bethlehem, PA - 03/05/17
Today, on the Sunday of Orthodoxy, the Sunday School children, their parents and teachers, had a procession to the front of the church with their favorite icons, which they brought from home. There, they were greeted by Fr. James Weremedic, Deacon Geoffrey Lobalbo, Subdeacon Michael (Frank) Guydan and Subdeacon James Weremedic Jr., each holding their own icons. Yuri Guanowsky, and Sunday School Coordinator Pat Grammes read about icons, and that the church proclaimed icons are to be honored like other material symbols of the church.
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Paul Chernay’s 40th Day at St. Nicholas ROC, Bethlehem, PA - 02/12/17
Sunday, a Panikhida was celebrated to commemorate the 40th Day of the falling asleep in the Lord of Paul Chernay. A catered luncheon, sponsored by Paul’s family, was served in the Paul and Betty Jo Chernay Fellowship Hall, named after him and his beloved wife. Among many of Paul’s generous Stewardships, was the funding of the church’s cupolas to gold, and to maintain them for years to come.
The attached pictures are of Paul Chernay’s family during the service and at the luncheon.
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St. Nicholas ROC, Bethlem, PA, joins in the Pan-Orthodox Blessing of the Waters - 01/22/17
On Sunday January 22, 2017, a Pan-Orthodox blessing of the waters took place at Jordan Creek in Whitehall, PA. The faithful of the Lehigh Valley, PA., gathered with priests of other Orthodox denominations, to celebrate the annual Theophany.
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St. Nicholas Pierogi Workers Luncheon - 01/17/17
On Tuesday, January 17, pierogi workers were honored with a Molieben in church. They then celebrated with a catered luncheon in Chernay Fellowship Hall.
After a blessing by Fr. Weremedic, Sarah Jubinski, pierogi project coordinator, gave a report on the donations made to various church projects and other organizations. She then thanked everyone for their committment to this successful fund raiser.
May God Bless the volunteers who support this valuable work.
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St. Nicholas 100th Anniversary - part 3 of 3 - 10/16/16
On the weekend of October 14-16, 2016, the parishioners and friends of Saint Nicholas Church, Bethlehem, PA, gathered to give thanks to our Lord for all the blessings He has bestowed upon us as we celebrated the 100th anniversary of the founding of our parish.
The centennial celebration began on Friday, October 14, with the celebration of the Akathistos Hymn in honor of Saint Nicholas. On Saturday, October 15, the Divine Liturgy commemorating the departed members of the parish was celebrated. Great Vespers was celebrated in the evening. On Sunday, October 16, His Beatitude, Metropolitan Tikhon; His Grace, Bishop David of Sitka and Alaska; and Archpriest James Weremedic, Rector, concelebrated the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy. Also present was His Beatitude, Metropolitan Herman, Former Archbishop of Washington and New York, Metropolitan of All America and Canada. Serving at the Divine Liturgy were Archpriests Thomas Edwards, George Hasenecz, James Mason, Dimitri Oselinsky, and John Onofrey; Priests Timothy Hasenecz and Jason Vansuch; Archdeacon Joseph Matusiak; Protodeacons Jacob Frimenko and Mikhail Sawarynski; Deacon Geoffrey LoBalbo; Subdeacons Roman Ostash and James Weremedic; Readers William Podlusky, Andrew Fartuch, and Matthew Lezinsky; and altar servers Yuri Guanowsky, David Metz, Jonathan Hontz, and Moses and Alexander Hodson. The choir was directed by Reader Nicholas Lezinsky.
Parish Council president Alexandra Keysock welcomed Metropolitan Tikhon with the traditional bread and salt, while Yuri Guanowsky and Elizabeth Hockman offered greetings and presented flowers on behalf of the Church School children.
Father James accepted a Synodal Gramota on behalf of the members of the parish in recognition of their dedicated service over the past century. Several parishioners also were awarded gramoti for their devotion to Saint Nicholas Parish.
Following each liturgical service guests enjoyed time to renew friendships and feast on a bountiful meal. After the Sunday Divine Liturgy, a gala banquet was held at the Best Western Lehigh Valley, bringing the spiritually inspiring and glorious weekend to a close.
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St. Nicholas 100th Anniversary - part 2 of 3 - 10/15/16
The Anniversary celebration continued on Saturday Morning with a Divine Liturgy commemorating the departed members of the parish. His Grace Bishop David, and our parish priest Father James Weremedic concelebrated the Divine Liturgy, along with a host of other clergy, deacons, readers and altar servers (see 1st group photo).
Following the Liturgy, a light luncheon was served in the church’s original fellowship hall, below the church.
At 4PM Vespers was celebrated by Fr. George Hasenecz, a former pastor of St. Nicholas. We were also honored with the presence of His Beatitude Metropolitan Herman and His Grace Bishop David, along with a host of other clergy, deacons, readers and altar servers (see 2nd group photo).
Following Vespers, the parish enjoyed appetizers and a wonderful buffet from Catering by Robert, in Chernay Fellowship Hall.
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St. Nicholas 100th Anniversary - part 1 of 3 - 10/14/16
On Friday October 14th, 2016, St. Nicholas ROC, Bethlehem, PA, began a three day celebration of their 100th Anniversary.
Bishop David of Alaska, a former priest of the parish, celebrated an Akathist to St. Nicholas this evening. He was assisted by Fr. James Weremedic, Fr. James Mason, Fr. Thomas Edwards, Fr. Dimitri Oselinsky, Fr. John Onofrey, Fr. Jason Vansuch, Deacon Geoffrey LoBalbo and Subdeacon James Weremedic.
Tonight’s Akathist to St. Nicholas was followed by a wine and cheese buffet. The refreshments were prepared by the younger ladies of the parish. It was an incredible event, demonstrating the culinary talents of these ladies.
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Fr. James Mason’s 55th year in the Priesthood. - 06/11/16
Father Jim’s family offered a coffee hour honoring his anniversary of 55 years as a priest. A valuable and wonderful priest, he has served more recently as an attached priest to our parish.
The congregation wishes him, and his devoted family, many prayers and best wishes.
“May God Grant You Many Years”.
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